3rd annual romp of the playa hookers
slap on your bigggest wigs and boobs and join emu on our annual chaos causing romp(age) through brc. all genders and sexual (dis)orientations celebrated. all pimps, gigolos, johns, janes, and madames warmly welcomed. hosted by: avalon synapse station @ 7:30 and catharsis

photo of tassy and halcyon by ken ketchum
randnorm mind grenade
the object of waging war is to always be in a better position to fight another war - 1984, george orwell
normdate 4.21.6
i spent most of today updating my blog. holy shit blogging my life takes as much time as living it. i've got to find a proper balance. if only there was a way to attach a micro camera to a pair of glasses so that i could broadcast my life in real time, eliminating my need to sit in front of a computer and remember what i did...instead you could just tune in and see what i'm doing. the best parts of my life aren't recorded in my scrapbooks or here on my blog. the people i meet and the interactions we share in that moment are even more fascinating than words or pikchaz could ever capture. but the truth is always distorted by the presence of a camera. i wonder how people would feel knowing that you are being broadcast live on a website. thanks for listening to my brain fart.

dena, myself, genny, rob and pete at shambalah 2000...i was almost 30lbs heavier in that pik than i am now.
i met up with anke and frederic at the rez avoir for a drink. it is frederic's last friday night in nelson. i ran into my friend jess at the rez, a cutie who was in my casi level 1 course in february. i keep some beautiful people around me.

it was free cover at fluid, so anke and i headed down there to do some dancing and frederic went home to get some rest. the beats at fluid were alright, it wasn't really that packed.
i came across a guy in the smoking room at fluid who said that he saw me at faeries and fools the week before. he commented on the flashing light sticks i had on my arms at the party. he said that they were too bright, and made it difficult for people (read him) to approach me. he then proceeded to ask me how many batteries the lights took, and that they were enough to give someone a seizure when they were flashing. he said he didn't like the lights, i told him i fuckin love them! i thanked him for judging me because i was too bright. i told him that if he was willing to judge me based on what i was wearing before he even knew my name, then he did me a favour, because i have no time for people like that in my life. actually, people like that are a waste of my time. then i thanked him for coming up to me and saying hi. sometimes, even hippies shun ideas that make them scared and uncomfortable.
the after party was being held at the valhalla house. i had never been there, but had heard lots about it. i was excited to go.
we got a ride with a guy named andrew to the valhalla house at 6mile, but not before we were pulled over by the cops for totally going through a stop sign. surprisingly enough we only got a wanring. funny, because on our drive back from whitewater on the last day of riding, jonas got pulled over doing 89 in a 50 zone and he only got a warning. the presence of a dredi can change things...yah, whatever ;)
the valhalla house is 6miles from the big orange bridge on the north shore of nelson. i'm not sure how many people live there, but it has always been known as the party house. they hold after parties there often, and charge $10 cover! thank you anke for taking care of my admission.
the place was huge and right on the north shore of the lake. there were tonnes of people shaking their asses off inside to some phat beatz provided by some dj that i don't know. beer was being sold from the kitchen for $3.
the back patio was full of smokers, and a hot tub! it had been so long since i was out so late dancing, and it felt good. i got to see the party side of this town, something that i haven't been tuning into since i got here mainly because i have no money and have been snowboarding instead. this town parties hard...really hard! i can see how easy it would be to get sucked into the partying and drug scene here, and have it consume you.
we left the party at 6am, tired and satisfied. we hitched a ride with someone who was heading back into town from the party. its so easy to hitch a ride in this town.
sorry, camera battery died :( i wish i had more batteries with me because the sunrise above the lake was beautiful from the valhalla house. so instead, here's a pik of b.o.b. (big orange bridge).

and another one...

thanks anke for exploring the party scene here in nelson, another reason why this place kicks ass!
p.s. my pikcha archive has finally been updated! click here to see the best winter of my life.

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