the mass of the anal cross
traditional black mass is performed on the back and buttocks of a naked woman and the crucifix dildo is raised high (and broughtlow). readings from the gnostic gospels and myths of creation and a homily. hosted by: twilight of the gods @ 9:00 and amnesia

photo by waldemar horwat
randnorm mind grenade
wherever in this world you go, give 'em shit! ~ randnorm lady outside of a bar
more mind grenades here
normdate 4.15.6
i totally slept in today, and loved every minute of it. its so good to have such a beautiful place to stay here in vancouver. thank you brett and laura...the red room is a perfekt place for me to wake up in.

i enjoyed a breakfast of pancakes and hashbrowns before we began our preparations for the party. i had some calligraphy to do for our kissing space, so i spent a few hours working on our sign.

Kissing Instructions
1. Take a mint
2. Make eye contact
3. Smile
4. Introduce yourself “Hi, my name is”
5. Ask “What are your boundaries?”
6. Respect those boundaries
7. Move closer
8. Closer still
9. A little closer
10. Tilt head
11. Close eyes
12. Relax your lips
13. Gently press lips together
14. Explore variations
15. Repeat
16. Show Gratitude
we made it to the horseshoe bay ferry docks with enough time to catch the 5:30pm ferry to the sunshine coast. unlike the ferry across lake kutenai, the ferry to the sunshine coast costs money...$32 for the car and $10 per person :eek: it is, however, a beautiful ferry ride past the coastal mountains of british columbia.

on the ferry, i ran into my friend liz, a toronto omie who now calls vancouver her home. i was hoping to run into her at the party, and was super stoked to see her before i even made it to the coast. of course liz was dressed for the occassion, full out faerie fashion.

it wasn't difficult to spot all of the people on the ferry who were going to faeries and was a ferry full of faeries...and fools! it was so awesome to see so many people dressed up, and to see how much thought and effort went into their outfits.
the sun poked its head out on our drive from the ferry docks to the party venue. i was so happy to see the sun, perfekt for the sunshine coast. the party venue was at crystal creek on mt.elphinstone. there is a strong connektion between the sunshine coast and the kutenais, so it makes sense that there is a crystal creek in both places.

as we parked our car, i ran into my friend anastasia, another beautiful soul from toronto who now calls vancouver home. once again, it is so good to see my own history in the faces of my friends, and i've known stacy for 10 years. boo for me not taking a pik of stacy and i...not one at intention either. *smacks head*
most of the people parking their cars took advantage of the sunshine and siezed the opportunity to get dressed in a most beautiful sunshine coast sunset. watching people outfit their personality in bright and colourful ways is awesome. its a transformation.

in the wise words of the good reverend halcyon, a costume implies that you are pretending to be something that you are not. i prefer to think of costumes as an outfit for my personality.

a foolish dredi and a bumble bee

of course there were burners at this party

normurai and laura
crystal creek is simply gorgeous: a rainforest on the coast of british columbia at the foot of the most diverse mushroom forest in north america, mt.elphinstone. if there ever was a place were faeries and elves lived in canada, this would be it...this is it. c'mon man, its called mt.elphinstone for gawd's sakes!!!

my friend lindzee (a true jedisistar) was there with her son azerah. if the goal is to spawn the cutest baby in the universe, azerah wins, hands down. this baby is the cutest in the history of ever...

directly connekted to the source, he summons the vortex of the universe and amplifies it with a pylon. genius!

i ran into another dredi knight...

he belongs to the elvin jedi order that calls the sunshine coast home. it is comforting to be in the company of other wise jedis. the force is powerful here on the coast.

everyone was dressed up. it felt like i was at burning man, except that we were in a rainforest instead of the desert.

i was excited to see my friend margaret, another toronto omie who calls the sunshine coast home. margaret is the sexxxiest librarian in the history of ever. she is full of so much love. she is wise and goddam sexxy too. another beautiful being of light that i have loved for years.

hmmm...not doing very well at jacking down the happiness in pikchaz am i? ;)
brett and laura helped set up our kissing space during the opening ceremonies inside the heated tent area. then it was time to dance. the revolutionists were my favourite set of the evening. they were banging out some classic tracks including the stanton warriors remix of doom's night and tori amos' professional widow.

honey bring it close to my lips. yeah! gotta be big!
we had made kissing coupons to give away at the party. the kissing space is anywhere people are kissing. the beauty of the coupons were that i could give it to the person i wanted to kiss. the choice to kiss me was theirs to make, and if they didn't want to kiss me they could give the coupon to someone else that they wanted to kiss. as long as people are kissing i'm happy...i'm even happier if i'm the one they are kissing. genius!

Kissing Rules and Boundaries – Do not be afraid to clearly state your boundaries
- introduce yourself
- ask permission
- kissing only (if you want more find a tent)
- tongue is optional (and encouraged)
- do not bite (unless asked to)
- show gratitude
beautiful dredis were everywhere to be found at this party, including the radiant goddess i had met at intention, jess. of course her name is jess ;) and she is more beautiful than the last time i saw her.

blonde hair blue eyed dreadlocks make me melt!

i had fun playing with owen's hair...there aren't enough boys wearing buns in my opinion.

ariel looked fukkin fabulous in pink too.

my boy ali was straight pimpin in his elvish garb. it was good to meet his family on the coast, the elvin jedi order that he left when he moved to the east shore of lake kootenay.

my friend eduardo, yes another toronto omie who now lives on the sunshine coast, is also one of the wise members of the elvin jedi order. their garments are handmade by them, and worn with pride. this was my first opportunity to wield the power of a jedi robe, and it felt right. my dredi knight robe calls a different kind of force to it, and it was refreshing to feel the power of the light side flow through me as i wore a jedi robe.

faeries and fools celebrating at mt.elphinstone! i've never seen so many different kinds of faerie wings in one place before in my life.

eduardo played the closing set at 8am: jedi akhentek playing electronic music behind a shrine made of crystals and mushrooms. what a perfekt way to end off a truly majikal evening.

this party had the energy of being on the playa the night of the burn: costumes, beautiful people, incredible music, and celebration. what makes burning man better is that there are at least 100 parties like this happening at the same time for an entire week! yes, burning man is the benchmark for all things creative. just ask someone who has been.
i had taken a two hour nap in the morning, and besides a bite of some mild chocolate covered mushrooms i had no stimulants or drugs to keep me up. i was high off the environment, off the energy created by a few hundred faeries and fools celebrating at mt.elphinstone. its been a while since i've partied all night long without the aid of amphetamines, and it felt good to be high off nature.

i got a ride to the gumboot cafe in robert's creek where i saw this poster on their bulletin board.

elvin jedi, for real...of course i had to put my card there too ;)

the food at the gumboot is almost as good as the people that frequent the cafe. what a great place to chill and unwind after an amazing evening of celebration.
above the cafe was a shop that sold crystals, and today was its grand opening. the most powerful majik is found in nature, and crystals channel the majik of gaia in the most beautiful of forms.

on the gumboot patio, i enjoyed a beautiful gaialogue with two goddesses from powell river, alisha and davina. the power of the goddess is strong here on the coast.

there are also just as many beautiful mothers here on the coast as there are in the koots.

our hippie bus was leaving to catch the 4:20 ferry, so i said my goodbyes to my family on the sunshine coast and jumped into the van, only to find out that i would be riding in someone else's car. ali's friend jonny, who was visiting from california, was going to drive to the koots too. i hopped into his volvo wagon and we attempted to make it to the ferry on time. brett had his tent and gear set up somewhere else, so he wasn't able to leave right away. we had to leave him behind. i also wasn't able to say goodbye to owen. this made me very sad.
owen, you were such an important part of my incredible winter. thank you for opening my eyes to the mysteries of dragons, for laughing with me, partying with me, beatboxing with me, sharing your life with me. thank you for sponsoring my trip to the coast. our paths will cross again, and i look forward to being in your company once more. i love you brother. go forth and kiss the world!

leaving the parking lot of the gumboot, we had to navigate around someone else's mode of transportation...

hmmm...should i take the car or the horse to the gumboot? *lol*
lucky for us, we just made it on the ferry. the force was with us.

once back in van, ali joined jonny and i in the volvo and we began what would end up being a 16hr journey back to the kutenais. exhausted from one of the most intense and incredible weekends of my life, i passed out in the back seat of the volvo.
what an adventure, and the best parts of my life aren't even recorded! the people i meet and the fellowship we share goes beyond anything a camera or words in a blog can capture. thank you for giving my personality shape, and for making my life new and fascinating with every breath i take.

Norm it was so magikal to have your strong T-dot heart energy and funky styles to the Coast. Love to you old friend!
The fairies say hi ;)
your elphinstone trip report was written with jedi style and precision
your presence on elphinstone was an unexpected blessing to all of us
look forward to our next encounter
*deepest jedi bows*
Glad your sharing the beautiful west coast flavour, Normguy. The F&F gathering sounds nothing short of amazing!! Nice bloggin'.
I only got a small taste of the western beauty before taking off to Taiwan. I'll be back in December...
:love and gratitude
:bob dobolina
AHHHH WE're so sad we missed it! :( We miss you Norm!
Stef & Ami
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