make your own fucking podcast
thursday & friday, 12:00pm-1:30pm
a class on making your own podcast. we'll cover all the bases - what gear to buy, what software to use, what hosts are appropriate and also answer any of your questions. hosted by: radio free valhalla @ bi-polar and 4:30

randnorm mind grenade
i object to violence because when it appears to do good, the good is only temporary; the evil it does is permanent. ~ mahatma gandhi
normdate 4.20.6
i've said it already, light and dark flows through all things. the high concentration of healing energy in the kutenais is balanced out by an ugly and dark vortex of energy that is also cradled here amongst the valleys of the selkirk mountain range. last night i came face to face with the darkness of nelson, and one of the ways it manifests itself.
last night, two radiant goddesses that i know got physical with each other. there is never a valid excuse to raise your fist against another sister, and yet there i was witnessing how anger and frustration manifests itself in violent acts.
we are better than that. we can choose not to be violent. we can choose to rise up and address issues without throwing punches. if you are reading this girls, i love you. let us heal each other instead of hurt each other.
i woke up beside two goddesses this morning (sorry, no randy story to back it up). after an intense evening of drama and dark energy, it was refreshing to meet a new and sunny day, especially when there are two beautiful women lying next to me.
after breakfast at the cornerhouse cafe, i made it to the nelson food cupboard for my volunteer shift. surprisingly it wasn't really that busy today. that was alright with me. i headed over to jonas and frederic's place so we could chill and celebrate 4/20 together.

today is stoner's new year. it is 4/20 all day!
what is 4:20? high times gives you the skinny here.
the holy smoke was opening up their cafe today, so we decided to head there to ring in the new year. in celebration of 4/20, coffee was free! schweet. they were also selling fatter grams of weed today at the smoke. for $12 i got a kootenay gram.

where else can you drink free coffee, buy weed over the counter, and buy the seeds that grew that weed as well? lets just say that the amount of joints that were smoked at 4:20 were not only huge, but in plentiful supply.
nelson has always been known for the best weed in north america. people have been flocking to the kutenais for decades in search of the best marijuana. the town has agreed that its better to have a place where people can buy the best weed over the counter than it is to have hippies on the street corner peddling weed to tourists. makes sense to me.

i was happy to see that my crane made it through the winter and is still hanging from the tree in front of the smoke.
annihilated from smokin the best weed, we headed down to lakeside park where we watched the sun set, tossed a frisbee, and spun some poi...and smoked some more weed ;)

last year i celebrated 4/20 at the hot box cafe in kensington market. unlike the holy smoke, you can't really buy weed at the hot box cafe, but finding herb in kensington isn't too difficult.

i miss the market. i'm looking forward to being back amongst friends, chillin in the market. hi cat! hi roland! hi steve! hi angela! i miss you guys.

after watching the extras on the domino dvd at jonas and frederic's, i decided to take my stoner ass home. i stopped by mckayla and henna's place to see if they were up for smoking a 4/20 joint, but alas no goddesses were home.
that's alright, i passed the fuck out when i finally made it home. this place has the best weed that you can buy over the counter and smoke anywhere. don't tell anyone.

if only we had some four twenty beer to drink today *sigh*
happy 4/ here for the conspiracy!


1 comment:
thank you hippie lalah. it takes one to know one ;) i'm curious how you came across my blog. come join my messageboard and be silly with us...
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