dreams as a therapeutic tool
see how valuable a tool dreams are to discover something subconscious. bring your best nightmares, and we will go thru a couple. repeaters are also valuable, as the hidden meanings are not yet recognized by the dreamer. hosted by: snuggletown @ fetish and 7:30

randnorm mind grenade
self love is important...if you don't love yourself how can you love someone else? learning to love yourself increases your capacity to love others. of course, then you run the risk of being called a cocky bastard. - halcyon
normdate 4.18.6
i picked up anke at the dancing bear this afternoon and headed over to jonas and frederic's place. our destination for the day was crystal creek. yes, this is the third time i've been to the creek in the past month, and i was still excited for the journey.

all of the snow and ice had melted, making the hike up the creek much easier than the last two times i made this trek. the sun was shining, it was warm, and the crystals were plentiful...they were everywhere!

all of the yellow you see in that pik is quartz. it was like a free for all help yourself store of quartz!
we made it to the top of the creek and descended into the caves.

this time i was prepared, and brought with me some tea light candles so that we had light in the cave.

there's enough space inside the cave to stand upright. its about 100ft deep, and perfekt to chill in...and smoke a bowl in...and drink a beer in ;)

on our walk down, i grabbed a few pieces of quartz to add to my collection. i've got one large piece of quartz from each of my journeys up the creek. they are sitting on top of my computer monitors, channelling energy.

at the bottom of the creek we took a bit to chill and look out over nelson. the view from the bottom of the creek is breathtaking. its incredible that our eyes, being so small, can see so much beauty.

as we looked out over the west arm of lake kutenai, a grey haired braided pigtail hippie walked by from the forest. i introduced myself, and he revealed to me how the hopeh indian shamans greet each other. when i see you next, i will share this greeting with you too. it is powerful. the hippie's name was hot white feather. he lives on the mountain in a tent. i've heard that nelson has a large population of people (read hippies) living here on the mountain and on the beach in the summer time.
we stopped off at jonas and frederic's place to grab some beers, and then headed down to lakeside park to toss a frisbee and spin some poi. i was glad to share what little knowledge of spinning poi i have with anke and jonas. its such a great way to breathe and tune into the prana of the universe. it flows. and at night time, you can add flashing light sticks to the end of your poi giving them trails when you spin them...without setting yourself on fire!

*trippy* ;)

i was also pretty fukkin smashed thanks to all of the beers we'd been consuming since the creek. i was definitely in no condition to drive a car, or even walk straight. neither was jonas. back at their place, he spent the rest of the evening worshipping the porcelain god. goddam booze! i hung out beside him to give him support, and was there for him as he rode it out.
i passed out on their sofa only to have one of the most memorable and intense dreams of my life. i was at my home in markham, the place i grew up. there was a party going on. inside, i ran into my father. he was wearing a yellow silk kung fu outfit. my father died from lou gherig's disease when i was 10yrs old. seeing him in my dream was the trigger that i needed to be aware that i was in a dreamstate, and allowed me the power to begin shaping my dream (normally flying is my trigger). i asked him how he got there. i do not remember his answer, but i do remember running up to him, losing myself in his arms, telling him how much i loved him, and then i wept.

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