we took the 45minute ferry from horseshoe bay to langdale. the ferry ride was beautiful. this province never ceases to blow me away with majestik beauty.

we arrived in langdale and drove to sechelt where my friend markus lives. his place is 30 feet away from the pacific ocean. you can see the lights of nanaimo on vancouver island from his living room. the coast is beyond beautiful.

there are no major roads connecting the sunshine coast to mainland british columbia, so all vehicles have to be ferried there. i thought that the towns on the coast would be sparse, but i was wrong. they look just like regular towns with lots of cars...its just that the cars have to get therefrom the mainland by ferry. the b.c. gov't is thinking of creating a road connecting the sunshine coast to the mainland in preparation for the olympics in 2010.
after a few beers and some lifted spirits, we left markus and headed towards the ymca camp at mt.elphinstone for a new years party called intention7. held by the tribal harmonix krew, intention7 could not have asked for a better venue. mt.elphinstone? hard to get much more majikal and hippie than that eh?

the main venue was decorated nicely with a very grassroots vibe flowing freely through the camp. shoes were taken off at the entrance. there was a chill area of mattresses in the corner next to a blacklit community painting. just grab a brush and add to the piece.

the energy is not just on the playa, its everywhere...

the music at intention was a nice diverse serving of breakbeatz and trance. there was no house, but i wasn't realy expecting to hear any at this event anyways. the people were beautiful though, majikal to be exact. many mystikal and vibrant creatures live on the sunshine coast.

i ran into my friend valerie at intention and met her partner. she surprised me with the good news that she is pregnant. i'm so stoked for you val.

my friend jules was also there...another toronto to left coast import. we're taking over! ;)

jules had created this altar at the entrance of the party. the force flows freely and powerfully through mt.elphinstone.

what an incredible way to ring in the new year. i danced and celebrated with good friends and majikal creatures on the sunshine coast. gaia is radiantly gorgeous out here....and she also kinda smells like hippie ;)

there is a plethora of beautiful dreadlockz out here...yes, it is heaven when you are this close to the water, and the mountains.

and wouldn't you know it, the beautiful dreaded creature in the pik above is named....jess. of course that's her name.
you never stop loving silently those you once loved out loud.
i love you jessie.
it was different celebrating my new years without my closest cirlce of usual suapects around me. i was glad to have good friends with me here, making my transition so much easier...but there are many times where i wish i could just have tea with mel, play video games with homer, see a movie with my sister. i miss all of you guys like crazy. i love you.
happy new year.
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