grave is a goth rave. hosted by:igs village / kamp krotus @esplanade and 9:30

photo by julian cash
randnorm mind grenade
give a man a fish and he'll eat for a day. teach a man to fish and he'll sit in a boat and drink beer all day.
randnorm pikcha

normdate 7.31.6
after a refreshing retreat away at my mom's place in whitby, i returned to the big smoke last night where i ran into john and sue. i helped john out with a home that he is renovating for the television show he's filming that airs in october.
i got to play with power tools too...hoorah!

got to play the fps prey on john's xbox 360. looks so goddam sweet on his 50" dell flat panel tv.

thanks for your hospitality john and sue. i love you guys.
i had plans to meet up with my friend kally today in the market. i woke up at john and sue's place and was about to head out when i realized that my staff was gone. it was in their kitchen by the front door last night, but it wasn't there. there was a lot of old furniture in the kitchen that was picked up this morning on its way to the dump. i hope they didn't take my staff. so i called and left a mesage on john's phone to see if they moved my staff.
holy fuck it was hot out today. i met up with kally at the korean grill house on queen and enjoyed an incredible meal of all you can eat meat. gawd i love that place.

after lunch we headed to kensington market to soak up the vibes of the most multiculturally diverse neighbourhood in the world. kensington rawks!

we ended up at the wading pool of kensington park. it was a hawt day so of course the pool was full of little kids...and two big kids ;)

the pool wasn't necessarily big enough to swim in, but we didn't care. it was fukkin hawt, and wading in a pool was an excellent way to beat the heat.

it was awesome seeing you again kally. i love hanging with you. send my love to maya ;)
after my wikkid afternoon with the goddess kally, i headed over to darryl and isa's place to chill out. out friend karen dropped by and i headed to allen gardens with her to hang out and throw around a frisbee. man, i haven't played enough frisbee this season. i haven't even played a single ultimate game :(
karen's motorcycle is hawt shit.

tell me what you eat and i'll tell you what u r.

hooray bacon!
hooray ciuppi!

hooray hawt chixxx on bikes...who are also veterinarians *drool*

after an awesome day with awesome goddesses (kally, isa, karen), i headed back to john and sue's place to face some bad news. my staff was mistaken for garbage, taken to the dump and is gone :( i guess it wasn't meant to be. that staff had become such a part of my personality, a part of me. i took it everywhere, walking with it, spinning it, encouraging others to ask about it. "hey, what's with the staff." it was gifted to me in winlaw almost three months ago, and now its gone. i miss you staff. i guess it wasn't meant to be *sob* i know, i'm all upset about a staff...but it was powerful and very special to me. the bark was taken off of it by a beaver for gawd's sake! i carved an om, the mayan symbol for warrior and the symbol for the wizard into it with a dremmel. yah, i know, i sound like a suck, but it was more than just a piece of wood to me. it was a part of me. i'm going to miss you dredi knight staff. we've been through so much together in such a short period of time.

i got so used to walking with it, spinning it, wielding it, that it actually feels like i'm missing a limb. ok, maybe not that extreme, but it still fukkin sucks. perhaps an even more appropriate staff will make its way to me soon. if i knew where the dump was, and if it hadn't been dumped into a large 60ft hole in the ground, i'd be there searching for my staff tomorrow. but i've got to accept that its gone, and all that i have left are memories and pikchaz.

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