Thursday, October 27, 2005

~* and booze...*~

last night i attended a hatha yoga class just around the corner brom my home. my best friend mel was supposed to be teaching it, but when i got there i found out that she was being held up at work, and that her friend emily would be teaching the class. i was disappointed, but that wouldn't stop me from enjoying the class. it was only myself and another woman, yvette, in addition to the instructor emily.

i found the class to be an excellent way to tune into the force...yes, everything comes back to the force for me, or in hindu, prana. there are an infinite number of ways to tune into the living force, and each one is rooted in breathing. "breathe" is the most powerful word you can say to yourself. no matter how screwed up the world is around you, you are better suited to deal with it when there is oxygen going to your brain. cause hey, if you're not breathing you're dead.

i tried to attend mel's yoga class last week with my friend lori. on my way to meet her, she called and cancelled. her reason for cancelling was that she was in the hospital. her dog had bit her and cut right through her upper lip. she was at the emergency room at toronto western waiting to get stitches. seeing as i was right outside the hospital when she called, i decided to stop in and see how she was doing. she sounded like she needed a friend on the phone. when i got there, she was so happy to see me. i could see the joy in her eyes behind her tears. but man did her dog bite her good.

i stayed with lori in the emergency room, and then watched as she got four stitches in her upper lip. i think i was more qweezy than she was when the doctor put the stitches in. it only took three hours in emergency to stitch her up. i'm glad that i was there for her.

after yoga, i rode over to a little bar around the corner of my house called magpie. my friend pen is leaving for the phillipines on monday, so he was having his going away party at magpie. it was great to see so many good people out, and having blanche de chambly on tap helped too. yah, i was kinda hung over today.

i've added the first thirty pages of my very first scrapbook to my scrapbook archive. czech out the book that started it all here!

"a candle loses nothing by lighting another candle"


- something like a phenormenon

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