makeout monday
tea at dawn/tea at dusk
come by templewhore at dawn and dusk for herbal tea blends to boister you on the playa. there will be coffee as well for those in pure need. if you're feeling illin', please feel free to ask one of our herbalists for some advice. hosted by: templewhore within area 2257 @ 7:00 and chance
photo by scott london
randnorm one time monday event in black rock city 2005
sacred sexual massage for women
about 40 participants will be welcomed to an intro to the principles and practice of tantra. the focused on women receiving sacred spot massage to open emotional, energetic, and spiritual paths. discussions cover the tantric path, yin&yang energy, anatomy, the sacred spot and g-spot, female ejacualtion, kundalini, breathing and whole-body orgasms. hosted by: ascension tribe @ esplanade and 4:30
photo by cocky bastard
randnorm mind grenade the real spirit of burning man isn't about destruction, its about creating, participating, contributing. building a community that needs you, relies on you. its about allowing yourself to become part of the whole, and then coming away from it with more than you brought. aah, there's no feeling like it in the world. its a mind altering journey son, if you're willing to take it. - stanley's friend, malcolm in the middle season 7 premiere
randnorm pikcha

little islands pikcha by adam c
randnorm video
where do i begin - the chemical brothers
normdate 28.8.6

i actually planned out my outfits for the burn by drawing a pikcha of myself for each day and what i'd be wearing, then i packed accordingly. i'm such a fag sometimes ;)
i woke up this morning in a queen size bed that i shared with kristin at circus circus, reno, nv. this would be the last time i woke up in a bed for the next week, and i was beyond excited! tomorrow i will greet the sun in black rock city. this morning i greeted the sun in reno, and it was shining warm and bright.
mike and i left kristin and daemond to sleep some more while we went to raley's grocery store to buy our food for the week and of course our supply of boozeahol.
i was hungry, so i got a delicious panini and washed it down with a king can of coors light. i love that you can buy booze in a grocery store...and holy shit boozeahol is cheap here. a 60oz bottle of vodka for only $12.99!!! you know we stoked up on that isht.
2hrs and $400 later, mike and i packed up the truck with more food and booze than we needed and headed back to the hotel. we made a quick stop at a piercing parlour so i could grab a new hematite ball for my nipple piercing (mine fell out at shambhala).
this was the last opportunity i had to take a hot shower for the next week, so i made sure to enjoy every minute of it. aaah, the feeling of being clean. life is about to get very fukkin dirty and dusty. i can't wait.
kristin rockin her new cruiser

after czeching out of the hotel, we secured our bikes and gear on the truck and began our journey to black rock city.

we made a quick stop at a hardware store to pick up some last minute supplies.

the gas station was full of burners.

you could feel the excitement. the time had finally stop, black rock city.

the drive to black rock city is a bit less than three hours. brc is just outside of a little desert town called gerlach. the convoy of burners was a solid line from reno to brc.

the gas station in gerlach is the last stop before black rock city.
and was full of both burners and the last concession stands we would see that accepts money. other than ice and coffee at center camp, burning man is a cashless society.

inside the porta potties in gerlach

seeing the dust of brc in the distance brings out such an overwhelming feeling of excitement, wonder, and possibility. a temporary city of 40,000 people built in the middle of the desert where the possibilities are endless.
the last turn off to black rock city.

the theme for burning man 2006: the future - hope and fear

the time limit is 10mph

the sun was setting behind the mountains and we were in the middle of a rather intense dust storm by the time we reached the entrance. i was stoked to see that the last signs before the entrance were of marrianne williamson's return to love poem...very appropriate.
we were finally home.
kristin, mike, and dae had to ding the ceremonial bell and declare that they were no longer burning man virgins.

our greeter was named ling ling. she took kristin aside for a few monents and shared something very powerful with her.

kristin returned to the truck, but something had changed. she refused to tell us what ling ling had said to her, but kristin was quiet and deep in thought after whatever it was ling ling shared. it was actually quite wierd to see kristin's demeanour of excitement and joy turn into one of quiet self reflektion. yup, we were definitely at the burn.
the streets of black rock city are set up as rings with the man at the center. the rings are named according to the theme, the future: fear and hope. from the center esplanade ring, the streets this year were anxious, brave, chance, eager, fate, guess, and hope. the streets that connected the rings were times on a clock, starting at 2:00 and ending at 10:00. here is what the map looked like this year.

the burning man maps are designed by lisa hoffman at stuidioninedesigns. czech em out here.
we headed to the mad hatter's society and the church of respect at 3:30 and fate to link up with our calgary burners. despite the sun having already set, it wasn't hard to find them...the theme camp was set up right at the corner of 3:30 and fate.

there was no way we were going to setup our full camp in the dark, so we put up our individual sleeping tents, grabbed a few beers, and headed out into the glowing and blinking utopia of black rock city...sans bicycles.
burning man is simply out of this world. it is overwhelming. there is so much to look at, so much to do, so much happenning everywhere you look. its as if your mind explodes with every breath you take.
we made a quick stop at a tent that was bumping house music. the people, the energy, the environment...i couldn't believe that i was finally home. unfortunately there wasn't a bar at this tent, so we left in search of our first playa drink.
we arrived at a camp called chillonia on the esplanade near 3:00. the music was being provided by a blonde guitarist and a dread with marraccas.

aaah! rum and coke, our first playa drink. its good to finally be here...and what better place for kristin's first playa drink than the tent with turtles!

we stopped at the disco wall of lights for a group pikcha

this colour changing wall can be seen from very far away...its really that bright.
me at the wall last year
goddess caley at the wall

our next stop was the centre of the entire festival...the man.

the structure that the man stood on this year was very art deco. there were multiple stations within the structure that you could interact with, encouraging you to answer hope or fear. the answers would be recorded and at sunset every day the man's arms would rise or fall indicative of our collektive view of the future, hope or fear.

one installation was called you x 360. there was a circular platform that you could stand on with a bike to the side of it. the back tire of the bike came in contact with the platform. two people would stand on the platform and someone would ride the bike causing the platform to spin. a camera would take pikchaz of the duo on the platform every three seconds for a total of 27 pix. then a printout of the pikchaz (a laser printed page) would pop out from underneath the camera and you'd walk away with a youx360 souvenir.
i got on the bike as two unsuspecting burners decided to stand on the platform. i guess i kinda pushed it too hard, because the two people on the platform didn't last long and ended up on their asses. maybe i shouldn't have ridden so fukkin hard ;)
after leaving the man, we made it to the esplanade and 7:00 where we came across the prometheatrics camp. they had a large silver box of cool shit, encouraging people to get inside it and experience how fukkin cool it is. they would close you up and then spin the box around.

you also could pick some extra tingz from the little box of kewl shit to make your time in the box of kewl shit even kewler. i'm not shitting you!

i ran into my friend martin and anna from my toronto burner krew at the prometheatircs camp. they were my first of many randnorm encounters that i would experience all week.
radical self expression, self reliance, creativity and imagination constantly served up at random for a week. this place is nucking futz! the costumes, the art, the bikes, the people. there is nothing like being a citizen of black rock city.

i tried to catch up with the disorient bus, but they were at capacity and was not picking anyone else up. boo...and i ran hard too catch up to it too. hey, who wouldn't want to party on a bus that looked like this with 100 people raging on it?

photo by scott london
we stopped at center camp and took a little rest. free booze everywhere can really creep up on ya. i love this place. free booze everywhere. free beats everywhere. art everywhere. fire everywhere.

drunk, overwhelemed, and tired from walkin around the playa (bikes are a good thing), we walked back to our camp and called it a night. tomorrow is going to be a new and insane day.
its good to be home. there is no place i'd rather be...ok, on top of a mountain covered in powder would also be prrrfekt too.
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