randnorm mind grenade seeing a murder on television... can help work off one's antagonisms. And if you haven't any antagonisms, the commercials will give you some. - alfred hitchcock randnorm video
kally used to live in calgary. she had told me that there was a conscious and realized community of artists living in this town. i thought this town was full of redneck cowboys. i was glad to find out that this town is full of many communities, and i am blessed to tune into the conscious and realized vibes that kally spoke so highly of.
seeing kally was so good for my soul. she triggered in me the love that i miss so much in toronto. there is so much love in that city. there is so much of everything in that city, light and dark.
kally, her friend linz and i had dinner at an indian restaurant called tandoori hut in kensington. mmm...indian food.
full of delicious food and refreshing conversation, kally and i walked over to the plaza theater to see the best commercials.
this movie was full of hilarious television commercials from all over the world. it really was fascinating to see how much time, effort, and humour have been put into commercials. they are as important if not more important than the tv shows they appear in, becuase if it weren't for the commercials there wouldn't be any tv shows.
this commercial blew me away, mostly because of the big name cast (john malkovich and naomi campbell) and the amount of time and money it took to create it. nucking futz...and for a tire company!
i miss our big smoke adventures together, kally.
it was so awesome to see you kally. i had an incredible time with you. i always do.
randnorm mind grenade first weigh the considerations, then take the risks.- helmuth von moltke
randnorm pikcha
randnorm video
normdate 19.2.7
on friday after work, i took the bus out to golden, b.c., to link up with my friend alex and his krew. golden is about 3.5hrs northwest of calgary, and home to one of the best ski resorts in the world, kicking horse.
alex picked me up from the bus station in golden, and we headed back to the chalet that he and friends had rented for the week. it was a gorgeous chalet about 15minutes away from the hill.
complete with hot tub
got to meet the krew alex was up there with too. of course they were amazing people. it takes one to know one, and as we get older i've found that i have no time for shitty people. i keep the best people in my life, and from the looks of things, so does alex.
tired and exhausted, we passed out full of anticipation for the next day. alex is one of my fave peeps to ride with in ontario, and it had been over 14 months since i've ridden with him.
we greeted the sun the next morning...actually, the sun was hiding behind a significant cloud cover. i can do without the sun as long as i know that the sky is dumping snow on the mountains.
waking up and having the mountains outside your door is a feeling i've missed since living in nelson last season. having horses outside our place was awesome too.
the quivver
after a delicous breakfast, our krew of 8 snow addiktz made our way shred the legendary snow of kicking horse resort.
me too
sooo stoked to shred with alex again...
it was family day weekend in alberta, in other words the busiest of all weekends at all of the rocky mountain resorts. kicking horse was very busy, but i'm from ontario. this is nothing compared to how many people intrawest packs onto the blue mountain lifts.
i've been spending lots of time in gondolas this season. hoorah!
kicking horse krew 2k7
this resort kicks ass!
the terrain is challenging and vast, and the snow is incredible!
our day was overcast making the contrast in my photos rather shitty. so here are some i'm going to post some pix that alex and his brother took during the week when it was pure bluebird.
so many steeps, so much snow, and some wikkid people to shred it with. heaven!
its amazing to ride with guys who push me to ride harder, and alex's krew ride fukkin hard!
aj rockin' a 50-50 on a fallen tree
eric droppin in
snow, fuck yeah!
thinkin of you kuma
our waitress was a radiant australian dredi
this just in...
i ran into debbie, the woman who was in charge of the cads deaf group on friday nights at c.o.p.
team extreme, golden chapter!
i <3 src="http://i141.photobucket.com/albums/r65/normurai/riding/115b_kicking_horse_feb17_2k7.jpg">
kicking horse is hands down the best big resort i have ever ridden. incredible terrain and tonnes of snow. whitewater is still my favourite, though i don't consider it a big resort. its more of a hidden little gem in the middle of the interior that has the best snow you could ever imagine. kicking horse is a full on resort, with village at the base, gondola, and the ability to move thousands of people a day. if you make it out west to shred, make sure you rip kicking horse. its the fukkin tits!
we had 7:00 reservations at the kicking horse grill for dinner
nothin like alberta beef served medium rare in british columbia
the restaurant was very b.c. rockies
this happy man just asked this woman to marry him. our waitress shared the good news with us, so i decided to go over and share a celebratory tequila shot with them. i said "hi, in a small town news travels fast...so congratulations on your engagement!"
the happy couple was visiting from colorado. i guess the powder of the rockies is just as good in canada as it is in the states, perhaps better.
the force flows powerfully through golden
including the darkside
a hard day of riding combined with a good amount of boozeahol, i was toast by the time we reached back to the chalet i immbest ediately passed out. good thing they didn't find the shaprie marker in my pencil case.
this trip to golden was the best , and his krew riding experience i have had all season. riding with a good friend from toronto and his krew was good for my soul. riding kicking horse is wikkid fun. i can't wait to do it again next year.