by the time mckayla got back from babysitting two hours later, owen and i were shmammered. it had been a while since i'd been drunk...ok, that's a lie, i was drunk a week ago. but before that it had been a while ;)
in our drunken state, owen and i made a little something for mckayla to put on her wall.

calligraphy and life by norm, rhymes by owpen dragon.
mckayla had some catching up to do...

the plan was to meet some people down at cottonwood falls to spin some fire. we rolled a few joints, grabbed some fuel, some fire poi, and fire fingers, and headed down to the falls. yes, we were well drunk by the time we reached the falls...so drunk that we had forgotten a few things at home, like my camera, and most importantly fire! yah, we had nothing to light our joints with, and nothing to light our poi with.
but seeing as mckayla's place was only a 5minute walk away from the falls, we began our quest for fire only to meet up with the craziest motherfucker in the history of ever! his name was dreamweaver. he had a light. he also had a huge marijuana leaf tattooed on his forehead! ON HIS FUKKIN FOREHEAD!!!
i asked him if it was real, and he encouraged me to try to rub it off. holy shit! this dude takes smoking weed very fukkin seriously!
i told him that he was the craziest motherfucker i had ever met in my life, and he thanked me for the compliment. did i mention he had a huge fukkin marijuana leaf tattooed on his forehead? i would post a pik, but i didn't have my camera. dreamweaver also didn't want his pikcha taken, so i respected his wishes.
when i asked him how difficult it is for him to cross the border, he said "why the fuck would i want to go visit that country?" fair enough.
i had never spun fire before, so i was pretty excited. i wanted to get comfortable enough with a few moves before i graduated to fire. setting myself on fire would suck.
HOLY SHIT! spinning fire is so goddam fun, and sexxxy! the sound of it moving by you, burning, consuming...its like a drug, it gets you high. its fukkin hot! i will never forget my first time spinning fire.
mckayla is a fire pixie, a very skilled fire poi spinner. she's also goddam cute. making out with her while she was spinning fire was very hot. hearing the flames spin past me while making out with the person spinning the fire...*drool*
julia is also a very skilled fire poi spinner, but i didn't make out with her while she spun ;)
we met two quebecois boys from montreal at the falls. they followed us back to mckayla's house where they pulled out two bottles of wine and proceeded to get us more drunk than we already were.

i passed out on the sofa and woke up feeling like a bag of shit. mckayla and i decided to turn today into a recover and do nothing day. *ouch* and to think that booze is legal. man, the next day is a write off!