randnorm mind grenade "The best mirror is an old friend." - George Herbert
randnorm pikcha
randnorm video
k-fed making fun of himself in a super bowl commercial *teehee*
normdate 5.2.7
my good friend elsbeth was on her way to london, ontario today from yellowknife, and she had a two hour stop over in calgary. of course i had to see her, even if it was only for a few minutes. i hadn't seen elsbeth since she drove down from yellowknife last summer to go to shambhala with me. i love this girl.
elsbeth was having lunch with our friend sam. i was only able to see elsbeth for about 5 minutes (seein as the restaurant they were at was a good 30 minute drive from where i work). but those 5 minutes were worth it. i love you elsbeth! any time i get to spend with you is worth it to me...and hanging with sam and her daughter avery is also a bonus. damn avery is cute.
i got an awesome package in the mail today from my brother. it was full of shirts made by affliction clothing. i am not a big fan of huge logos plastered across a shirt, but i'm always up for exploring new things. perhaps my brother is trying to turn me into him, or at least dress me like him. what do you think?
fashion ain't necessary, but its hella fun! thanks for the package neil. you fukkin rawk dood! and you're a freak! i wish i was there to celebrate christmas with you guys.
can you see the resemblance?
elsbeth, you made my day. have a safe stay in ontario. say hi to patso for me.
snowflakes the size of golfballs were falling from the sky all day on friday. it got me so excited to go riding at c.o.p. that night. yes, its obvious that i'm one of those people that gets unbelievably excited when its dumping snow outside.
plus i got my hands on a pair of the ride convetible toe caps for my ride spi bindings, so i was extra stoked to try em out. goodbye binding bite. hello toe caps!
pulling my dreads through the vents on my helmet has been quite effective at putting smiles on people's faces...and i get a bit more room in my helmet. schweet!
normurai and antonia
rob and i
there was a contest going on a c.o.p. on friday night, so there was a podium set up.
the snow at c.o.p. was the best i've ever seen. a full day of fluffy white goodness falling from the sky can make even the most man made of hills enjoyable. the toe caps on my bindings are the tits! what an awesome step forward in binding technology. i can't believe it took me two years to get my hands on em. much more responsive and zero toe binding bite. genius!
it was c.a.d.s. staff appreciation night as well, but i had other plans that was guaranteed to bring out the best in me. my friend graham was coming in from edmonton to see me. i hadn't seen him since november, and was beyond excited to roll with a good friend again. my soul and spirit yearned for it.
we met up with my friend fred and his partner stacie rae at an irish pub called the kilkenny. graham, fred, and i all grew up in markham together, so it was awesome to have three markham boys together in the cspot.
i have no time in my life for shitty people. i have all the time in world for amazing people. - erin black
the kilkenny was the perfect place for us to chill, enjoy a pitcher or two of booze, and eat some delicious pub fare with good friends.
on saturday graham and i went to the movies and saw smokin' aces. the movie was excessive blood, gore, and violence ala kill bill. but that's pretty much where it ended. the story was ok, the acting was mediocre at best, and the cliches all lasted twice as long as i could swallow. this movie got a wopping 27% fresh on rotten tomatoes.
after smokin' aces, we wanted to sneak into casino royale but it didn't start for another hour. so instead we made a stupid choice and walked in to see epic movie. if you thought the scary movie series was stupid, you haven't seen anything yet. epic movie was 90 minutes of my life that i will never get back. i actually got dumber watching it (at least the times that i was awake). i've also never seen any movie recieve as low of a fresh rating on rotten tomatoes than epic movie...it rec'd a 3% fresh rating, and that is being generous! too simple, too vulgar and too obvious to be Funny Movie. It's not even Chuckle Movie or Giggle Movie. It's in your face, with most humor centered around taking characters you recognize and just making them dumber
after sittin in a theater for that long, graham and i took an afternoon nap. maybe i just needed to recharge after epic movie beat me with the dumb and dumberer stick.
this clip was all it took to actually make me laugh. thanks for takin me back graham!
we met up with fred and stacie rae at tubby dog for dinner. their menu of unique hot dogs is definitely something to czech out. tubby dog myspace page here.
i had the cap'n dog - peanut butter and jelly with cap'n crunch! this is the second time i've eaten this dog, and its actually really good. add some t-rings and you've got yourself a nice greasy dinner combo. mmmm....
kristin ordered the a-bomb (cheese, bacon, mayo, mustard, ketchup, potato chips) and graham went all out with sherm's ultimate gripper (dog is bacon wrapped and deep fried. topped with ham, homemade chili, cheese, mustard, more bacon, hot peppers, onion, and a fried egg).
the hawaiian pizza dog and a gripper without the egg.
the bird dog was this month's special...complete with white cheddar popcorn!
one of fred's friends, pete, ordered a bird dog. being the stupid boys that we are, i offered to buy pete's hot dog for him if he ate it in one bite. he gladly accepted the challenge, and shoved the whole fukkin 1/3lb hot dog into his mouth, popcorn and all.
at one point, he looked like he was gonna blow!
but somehow he kept it all in. most impressive pete. you truly are hot dog ninja!
i was having a great time chillin with the krew we had at tubby dog, and they did serve beer. kristin, on the other hand, was not enjoying herself at all. our whatever happens happens plan for our saturday night wasn't exactly what kristin had in mind, so we agreed to drop her off at kelsey's place. that made her happier than hanging at tubby dog. i'm surprised she lasted that long. at least she ended up somewhere that did make her happy, which in the end was good for everyone.
the measure of a man's success is his ability to avoid the wrath of his woman.
once graham and i dropped kristin off, we hooked back up with fred and krew at stacy-rae's house. drinking, and lifted spirits followed. good friends was all i needed to have a good time, and i was with two very good and old friends.
stacy rae works as a tatto artist at the famous smilin' buddha tattoo parlour in calgary. with a couple sharpie markers in hand, stacy-rae turned our bodies into canvasses...including my face.
pure maori stylee!
graham got a goddess added to his arm.
fred was rockin' an elephant
and pete got a crab
i miss you corrine! if you're reading this, know that i think of you often and it brings a smile to my face and light to my soul.
temp ink roolz!
johnny cash roolz!
johnny cash and cardinal roark roolz!
inked trashy barbie dolls fukkin rool!
shooters in skull shot gloasses roolz!
spending time with good friends...priceless.
thanks for makin the journey to see me graham. being around you has refreshed my spirit and soul. next time, we game!