young jedi training for little burners
calling allpadawans! jedi training is in session. in this workshop your children will learn ho to 'use the force' by practicing secret jedi techniques of yoga, qigong and the healing arts. all 'little burners' and their parents are encouraged to attend. hosted by: ascension tribe @ esplanade and 4:30
photo by scott london
randnorm mind grenade
there are only two ways to live your life. one is as though nothing is a miracle. the other is as though everything is a miracle. - albert einstein
randnorm pikcha
randnorm video
jay and silent bob strike back...the word fuck is used often in that clip.
normdate 9.9.6
its good to have a place to decompress. thank you kristin for your kindness and hospitality.
last night, kristin and i went to hear freq nasty play at the wharehouse. yup, calgary has a permanent edm club and they get some pretty good names. the place was packed and freq nasty dropped some siiick tunes and broken beatz.

freq nasty and lorin bassnectar at the oppulent temple
seeing as i missed his set at the burn, i was looking forward to hearing him play at the wharehouse. its taking me a bit to get used to having to pay cover, and pay for drinks. you get so used to hearing djs for free and open bars everywhere on the playa that assimilating back into normal society can be a bit of a shock to the system.
photo by scott london
^^^ this guy has the siiickest pix of the burn i've ever seen, so i'm gonna be postin a lot of his work. make sure to czech out his site.
there are tens of thousands of burners around the world who are also feelin the same thing. the world that exists outside of black rock city is such a contrast to generally accepted and created society that we live our everyday lives in. the challenge is taking the energy that is so concentrated on the playa, and rekognize that it flows everywhere we just have to rekognize it, and feed it.
shiny happy people pik by jared michaber
i had 5 hemp bracelets left that i had made for the burn, so i randnormly gifted them to people at the wharehouse. the effects of random gifting is amazing...gifting for the sake of gifting. what a fukkin awesome way to spread light. its one of the ideals that make burning man so incredible.

i met a radiant goddess named sarah last night at the wharehouse. she came up to me and asked if i knew jamie campbell from london, ontario. i've know jamie since his first year at western. turns out, i met sarah in london at a bar called old city hall when i was there for elsbeth and regan's wedding in 2004. i randnormly ran into jamie that night in london too, and thus the introduction to sarah. it was sarah's birthday last night, and i was glad to gift her a bracelet and dance with her on her day...the birthday card is trump ;) happy birthday sarah!
today was my friend todd's birthday. i've known todd from public school in markham. holy shit that's almost 25 years ago! i went to highschool with him at mdhs. his snowboard was the first i ever rode when i was 15...aaah, so many good memories of that kemper raceboard. daam that thing was big.
todd moved to calgary about 5 years ago and worked for west jet. he's now a real estate agent, married, and recently moved into a new home in the northwest of calgary. todd didn't know i was in town, and i was excited to surprise him at his birthday party.
fred and his partner stacy-rae picked me up just after dinner and we made the short trek to todd's place. todd's last name is skoby, so in highschool we used to call him toby skoby. i was excited to surprise him.
holy shit calgary is booming! there are new housing developments being built in every available spot. this town is definitely the place to be if you want to make money, espceially in real estate.
as we walked up todd's unfinished property (ain't no grass in his neighbourhood yet), todd was talking on his cel phone on his front porch. i'll never forget the expression on his face when he saw me. good friends reuniting. it was awesome!
todd's home was beautiful, and filled with his friends and family. there were lots of children there too, from babies to toddlers. i guess that's the age group i'm in now, my thirties. people are settling down, buying houses, starting a family.

toby doesn't have children, yet, but he has a beautiful partner in life, lori, to have a family with and a gorgeous home to raise his children.
toby showed me an old pair of full length long underwear from highschool that he still wears when goes snowboarding. silk screened on it was a race relations logo, my first entrepreneurial venture from high school. i remember getting the screens made and then silk screening any piece of clothing i could get my hands on in the basement of my house. i still wear long underwear with the logo on it today, and it was wikkid to see that someone else is still wearing their race relations long underwear. the ideals behind the brand was the blurring of races, the celebration of diversity. aaah, we were so young back then.

yes, i still wear flourescent underwear.

those pix remind me of high school when i used to lay out my outfit for the next day on the floor before going to bed. that way i would wake up and have my outfit all ready to go, no decision making in the morning just shower and get dressed. my friends used to make fun of me and ask "norm, did you make your little man yet?" ;)

i spent some quality time getting to know lori, her parents, and of course catching up with toby and fred. markham massif! there's something about our markham connektionz that stand the test of time, and its not just with my circle of friends, i've noticed it with most people who went to markham district high school. perhaps it was the small town community that markham was when we were there, or the fact that many of our parents still live there. whatever the reason, i'm glad to have old friends from the 'ham in my life still.

happy birthday toby. it was amazing being able to share your birthday with you...and nice ink dude.

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