8th annual sara(h) party - with or without an h
celebrate all that is sara(h). drinks, hors d'ouervres, music, dancing, the annual sara(h) photo and, of course, tons of hot sara(h)s. non sara(h) fold are welcome. hosted by: predawn camp @ 9:00 and hysteria
photo by rick egan
randnorm mind grenade
imagination is more important than knowledge... - albert einstein
randnorm pikcha
photo by benjamin jordan
randnorm video
burning man in 1994...before email, the internet, and dvds were common media. awesome!
normdate 26.8.6
what an intense week! i've been so busy doing some freelance design work to fund my burning man adventure, and of course preparing to survive in the desert. it takes a hell of a lot of planning and preparation to survive in some of the most harsh conditions on the planet for a week.
i was planning out my outfits for each day at the burn, and ended up drawing myself in my scrapbooks wearing the outfit i planned...it made it easier to pack. i'm such a fag sometimes.
the plan was to leave for reno today at 2pm. i was hoping to have finished all of my packing early so that i could attend the wedding of my friend kevin lim. i've known kevin and his family since as far back as i can remember. his mother was in my mom's wedding party.
kevin's sister christine, my sister thalia, and kevin...kinda looks like me eh? all look same :P
thalia was in town for the wedding. she had spent the last week in whitehorse, yukon territory, visiting her friend kevin (another kevin). she was making a quick stop in calgary for kevin's wedding before flying back to toronto. i got to spend the day with her yesterday, and was going to see her again at the wedding.

the wedding ceremony was held at chinese gospel chapel not too far from kristin's place. kevin is the youth pastor there doing god's will. he met his partner, carol, at church. it had been a while since i was in a church (other than movie church), especially a church full of asians. i can't remember the last time i was around so many chinese people in my life. when surrounded by "my own kind", i actually feel more jamaican than asian. maybe its because i don't really know much about my asian heritage, and i definitely don't speak the language.
the flower girlz

father and the bride

carol nguyen soon to be carol lim

the awaiting groom

we sang hymns during their ceremony...a bit out of the ordinary, and i also didn't know the tune...i also don't believe in the words.

making it legal...signing the contract

mr. and mrs. kevin lim

the bridesmaids...i liked their dresses, and their shoes too.


a whole lotta family

the lims

pikcha time with the new family

my sister and i

congratulations kevin and carol. i was glad that i was able to celebrate your special day with you.
i dropped thalia off at her friend's place. it was awesome seeing my sister. i really do miss her. i miss being silly with her. have a safe trip home thail.
we were supposed to be leaving calgary by 2pm. mike and dae arrived at 5pm with a packed pick up truck. we spent the next half hour reoganizing the back of the truck so that we could fit all of our gear and bikes.

after some last minute errands in town, by 7pm we were on our way out of calgary. off to reno!
we made a wrong turn out of lethbridge and ended up at the magrath border crossing, which happened to be closed for the night. we backtracked and arrived at the coutts border crossing by midnight. the first question the immigration officer asked us was if any of us had been fingerprinted. daemon and i have been, so of course they pulled us over.
we each had to fill out a very detailed form about ourselves,from what piercings and tattoos we have and where they are to how much money we have in our bank...and of course what we've been arrested for and the resulting punishments.
daemon and i were then each brought into a room and questioned about our criminal past. i have been arrested twice, the first charge i was released on a conditional discharge, the second was a joint charge of possession where the charges were eventually dropped.
the immigration officer then asked me when was the last time i did drugs. i told him that i drank some wine the day before, to which he said "no, i mean drugs. when was the last time you did drugs?"
i smiled and said confidently "i don't do drugs, i'm a buddhist".
welcome to america.
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