pee funnel camp
monday - sunday
pee funnel camp is back on the playa! but we're not tellin you where we are. follow the clues, find us, bring a neat gift, show up any time and we'll give you a pee funnel! we always run out quickly, so hurry on down! what are pee funnels? they let ladies stand and pee (or pee in a jug) just like the gentlemen! hosted by: pee funnell camp
pee funnel gal pix by wolfy
randnorm mind grenade
whatever the mind of a man can conceive, it can achieve. - w. clement stone
randnorm pikcha
randnorm video
natalie portman is one badass bitch!
normdate 2.1.7
first off, merry new year! what an incredible year 2006 was for me. every year of my life seems to get better and more fascinating. interestingly enough, the movie the secret is playing in the background right now. if you haven't seen this movie, make a conscious effort to rent it or buy it even. it will change you. for me, it is a reminder of what i've known for many years...the secret is the law of attraction - thoughts become things.
man becomes what he thinks about.
the force is strong and powerful. it flows through all things. it connects all things. i am the designer of my own destiny, and the universe is a masterpiece of abundance.
warholize yourself here
everything in the universe is energy. energy flows where attention goes.
my winter goal of riding each of the rockie mountain resorts began this past saturday at lake louise. only a two hour drive away from calgary, i began my journey to the rockies before the sun rose.
following a train of other snow enthusiast through the darkness of the pre dawn on the trans canada highway, the light of day slowly began to reflekt off the majesty of the rocky mountains.
what an awesome feeling it is to have darkness replaced by light illuminating some of the most beautiful scenery you could possibly imagine. the rockies assault your senses with ancient wisdom, timelessness, beauty and majesty. gawd i fukkin love the mountains. even in the darkness, you can feel them. they aren't just outside and over there, they are right outside my window.
i arrived at lake louise just before 9am, just in time to get a half decent parking spot. the saturday of the christmas holidaze before new years is always the busiest time of the year for ski resorts...everyone and their sister, and their cousin, are out.
lake louise is one of the best ski resorts in the world, and i was stoked to shred it.
a real resort with hundreds of possibilities. c.o.p. is fun, but its not a resort in the rockies. man, the anticipation of riding down a real mountain overwhelmed me as i looked up at the multiple peaks of lake louise. this province is a whole lot of alright.
rockin' my new cappel wellington jacket, my replacement for my snowboarding jacket that was liberated two weeks ago at a jungle party.

thanks to my mom, sister, rob, linda, and lori for the christmas get norm a new jacket fund. i'm lovin the new steez.
watching the sun rise over the mountains as i waited in line for my first ganjala trip up the mountain.
the view from the top of the glacier express gondola *whoah*
just like my first time riding whistler last year, i wanted my first run at louise to be from the highest peak and ride all the way down to the base. getting to the top of mt.whitehorn at louise (the highest peak at the resort, 8675 ft above sea level) required me to take a gondola, a chair lift, and a poma lift.
at the top of the glacier gondola
at the top of the top of the world chair

how far the rest of the world is from the rockies
the poma lift was ridiculously steep. i had never taken a poma on a board before, and i was actually quite scared and nervous that i'd fall off it. the view from the peak, however, was well worth it.
^^^ click it to see my ghetto stitching of the insane rockies view from the peak of mt.whitehorn.
i decided to drop in to the whitehorn back powder bowls. unfortunately there was not much powder to ride, but this early in the season i wasn't expecting kutenai snow.
wide open bowls, mammoth mountain peaks, and a smooth line down a steep slope. snowboarding is zen. its yoga at 50km/h. it is tuning into the force, and shredding gaia with the hugest smile on your face.
snowboarding is life, everything else is just details.
riding got me thinking of the secret, thoughts becoming things - visualizing what you want. snowboarders apply the secret with every turn. we see our line down the hill and visualize ourselves riding that line. i see myself hitting a jump, landing it and riding it out, before i even begin my approach to the kicker. the secret isn't really a secret to snowboarders, its awareness.
the snow was mostly hard packed with some patches of powder scattered here and there. there was not enough snow to cover all of the rocks, at least not this early in the season.
i was happy to run into santa at the bottom of the hill. lake louis is only a short sleigh ride from the north pole, and now that christmas is passed it was time for santa to get back to doin what he loves...shredding mountains!
looks like santa also rides for option. i guess he likes canadian wood. he also doesn't seem to mind riding on the busiest day of the year...and it sure was busy.
i decided to get meself a beer and enjoy the atmosphere of the lake louise lodge. yes, i was the only coloured guy in the lodge that i could see, however there were a few other asians reprazentin.
i ended up sharing a few pitchers with a calgarian named paul and his friend scott who was visiting from vancouver. after some food and boozeahol, we spent the rest of the afternoon shredding louise together. riding by myself all morning was fun, but it felt good to ride with others. i miss that the most about riding in ontario...shredding with my friends.
with my knees and body exhausted after a day of awesome riding, scott, paul and i decided to meet up in banff for an apres riding drink. as i unbuckled from my board for the day, i noticed two other dredis doing the same. of course i had to take a pikcha.
dat's right, takin over yet another sport \m/^_^\m/
banff was only a quick 30 minute drive away from lake louise. i met up with paul and scott at the rose and crown where we also linked up with two random women, lisa and kelly, who were quite intoxicated from an afternoon of drinking.

it was awesome riding with you scott and paul. hopefully we can do it again soon.
90 minutes later, i was back home in calgary basking in the glow of an incredible day at lake louise. one resort down, four more to go.
takin it back to the old skewl with some fu shnickens
after a good day working at the source on sunday, i stopped off at kristin's dad's place on my way home from work (kristin was in san francisco with her playa honey jeremy). of course there was a huge spread of food at the house, and two hours later i was stuffed. sure beats going home and cookin my own food, and it was good to see linda and the kids...but being the queen i am, i had to leave to get ready for a new year's eve party at my friend taco and lara's place.
i was stoked to wear the shirt that kristin got made for my christmas present. it says on the front "kiss me i'm good at it" and on the back it says "really good". teehee. no more whiteboard sign on my neck, now i've got a shirt that says it.
taco and lara's place was full and bumpin by the time i reached there. it was interesting spending new years in a new environment with new people. thank god most of them were burners, so you know the vibes were creative and accepting.
open your mind and let light in.
i happened to have two dj soo sets with mw, and his beatz were very appropriate to ring in the new year. happy soo year. sublimate this and head noddin. two of my fav sets of all time. thanks soo. your beatz got us all groovin.
this is what was in the bathroom. wtf? hard to take a piss with that above you.
by the end of the evening, someone had put the fake spider on the corner of the sink under a towel. what a wierd choice of bathroom decoration.
what a great evening of beatz, wikkid peeps, and libations. happy new year! thanks taco and lara for opening up your home to me.
i spent new year's day recovering from an incredible night of celebration. what an awesome year 2006 was for me. i've never done so much travelling, so much exploring, and so much snowboarding in one year ever. i have so much to be thankful for.
the highlight of my 2006 was most definitely my birthday in toronto. not too many other single events have brought me to tears like that. it reminded me how loved i am, and how blessed i am to have the fukkin kewlest people in the world to call my friends.

i have no time in my life for shitty people. i have all the time in the world for amazing people.

happy new year!