this tattoo is all kinds of awesome!
randnorm mind grenade
"I believe that all the great religions of the world are true more or less. I say 'more or less' because I believe that everything that the human hand touches, but reason of the very fact that human beings are imperfect, becomes imperfect. Perfection is the exclusive attribute of God and it is indescribable, untranslatable. I do believe that it is possible for every human being to become perfect even as God is perfect. It is necessary for us all to aspire after perfection, but when that blessed state is attained, it becomes indescribable, indefinable. And I therefore admit, in all humility, that even the Vedas, the Koran and the Bible are imperfect word of God and, imperfect beings that we are, swayed to and fro by a multitude of passions, it is impossible for us even to understand this word of God in its fullness." - ghandi
randnorm video
i thought ripping down mountains on a snowboard was nutz, but this dude...holy shit!
normdate 10.6.7
i brought my friend kane with me to our weekly ultimate game. he had never played before, but was eager to get out on the field. we were blessed with incredible weather, and we even got the best part of the field to play on. thanks to furvert for being our fabulous furtographer.

kane had an awesome time! another ultimate convert...booya! it feels good to be back playing ultimate again with passionate addiktz. the no rules, no score vibes are perfekt. encouraging the other team when they score is something that isn't done when you're actually competing to win.
our sunday ultimate krew...
after ultimate, i spent the afternoon with lara enjoyin' the beautiful weather. there was a no pesticide rally going on in sunnyside park as well as a parade for affordable housing.
as much as i believe in the right to protest, i really don't see how it is effective. people walking around with signs yelling for change. does it bring about change? or is it just wasted breath. perhaps it increases awareness about sensitive issues, so that when it comes time for people to vote, they are more likely to vote for the candidate that is aware of and addresses their needs.
i remember seeing a sign during an iraq protest in toronto that said "NO! and stuff." ha! i like stuff.
do people really think protesting the g8 summit is going to influence what goes on at the summit?
lara's two daughters joined us in the park. they are precious. the apple definitely does not fall far from the tree.
light post art...
tree smiles
tiia and normurai
i often introduce myself as normurai, and that is the name lara's daughters call me. it is actually unbelievably cute to hear two little angels call me normurai.
my friend kixx was in town from red deer for a course he was taking, and was staying at our place. i met kixx and his partner jill on the playa last year at burning man. they camped next to us, and are very kewl beans in my book.

the course he took was a five day course focusing on the self, and igniting the power that we all possess to shape the world as we see fit. some people call it god, some people call it the secret, us jedis call it the force. whatever you want to call it, it brings about positive change in the world. it reminds people that we have the power to change the world, even the power to heal ourselves. this book was their textbook.
the authour of this book was diagnosed with cancer, and healed herself through an intensive program of affirmations, visualization, nutritional cleansing, and psychotherapy.
"The thoughts we think and the words we speak create our experiences."
czech out the first eight pages of the book here.
some people might say that god healed her, or that the force healed her, or that she healed herself. believe what you want. what i was most fascinated by was the tuition fee for level 2 and level 3 of this self help course. level 1 was free as long as you bought the book. level 2 is a measely $3000! level 3 is only $6000!
shit dawg! give me the money. i'll take you to levels you never knew existed! and give you change.
it reminded me that as much as people love helping other people, they also love money...lots!
i ran into a radiant goddess who i had met over a year ago through my friend fred. when i saw her, she lit up and said that she was actually thinking of me as she took this course. i guess i said something to her a year ago that reminded her of the infinite power she has within her to change her perspektive and love herself. i say lots of shit sometimes...ok, all the time ;)

she was thinking of taking the next level course, and i said "dude, take that money and go to burning man. i guarantee you that your world will be shattered in ways that this course only wishes it could do for."
we are the ones we've been waiting for.