i had brunch today at the richtree market, the former marché at bce place. my friends tiia and dan had just returned home from belgium and my friend sarah was visiting from pennsylvania with her husband gary and their 15 week old baby daughter emma jane. this year has been a year of babies for me, well, for some of my very close friends. the last time i saw sarah was in may when she was home for her baby shower. its so cute seeing small girlz pregnant...little girl, big belly, and boobs too ;)
there's no doubt that emma jane looks just like her daddy. she also seems to enjoy dreadlocks, as i soon found out...
it was really great to hang with my university krew again, which is where i first met sarah. we lived together second year with brennan, rick, jaqui, meredith, and michelle. that year i burned my room down (left a candle burning and it torched my room). aah, but that's another story. wow that year was epic. i've kept in contact with everyone from that house except for rick, who had a baby boy six years ago, and meredith. i have no idea where she has disappeared to, and neither do most of my friends. hey meredith, if you're reading this...well, it'd be because i ran into you and gave you one of my cards or you magically were brought here from some other fascinating means. if that's the case, email me. stranger things have happened.
my friend ron, also from university, was in town with an electronic psychedelic dance duo that he books for called infected mushroom. they were playing at the guvernment that night. ron showed up at the richtree for a late brunch. it was good to see him too.
later that night i helped turtle enter the dirty thirties down at the raq n waq pool hall and lounge. there was an excellent turnout of people there to show love for the one like red turtle. i'm surprised he was still standing at the end of the night. happy birthday turtle. big up youself turtle. burning man krew.
i ended up at someone's house after the raq n waq. i didn't know who he was, but was invited there by a girl. it turns out most of the people there were from newfoundland. some were living here, others were visiting. i had a great time interacting with some fascinating people who gave me an excellent window into the east coast way of seeing the world. the last guy i spoke with truly challenged me. after watching me interact with all of his friends, he believed that he had me "figured out". no, seriously...those words came out of his mouth. he was quite confident that he knew me, knew what i was about, and that whatever game i was playing on his friends that made them feel so comfortable about themselves when they were around me would not work on him. i enjoy challenges like that. they remind me that every part of my personality is given new shape with the people i interact with. it was interesting when he let me know that he thinks that i believe i am better than everyone else, just by watching me interact with his friends. i asked him if i was doing anything to make him feel uncomfortable, and he said "no, you're not bothering me." i told him i was glad i could bring out the parts of his personality that don't bother him. then i asked him if he ever heard me say that i was better than anyone else to any of his friends. when he told me no, i asked him what other signals, cues, movements, or actions did i display that made him think that i thought i was better than anyone else. cause i know, and he knows, that those words never came out of my mouth. so it must have been some other form of communication that he picked up on that triggered the part of his personality that makes him feel better than everyone else which he then projected on me. he didn't really have an answer. maybe its how i walk, how i interact with others, maybe its the confidence that i have in myself that i wear on my sleeve that triggers the "i'm better than you" part of their personality. hey, if people got a problem with me before they even get my name, i'm good with filtering them out of my life. in the end, we had a great conversation and he reminded me about the power in the word "and"...it connects.
east coast reprazent!
- the dreadlock phenormenon \m/^_^\m/