conscious challenge
look at the things we do that we know are wrong, but do anyway, things that trick us, things that we know are impossible. discover if something was the result of a concscious thought. realize that you can do anything once you've made the decision to do it. hosted by: heebeegeebee healers @ 7:30 and ego.
photo by geroge post...methinks that be a pik of amazon. it sure looks like her.

randnorm mind grenade
friends are the family we choose for ourselves - edna buchanan
randnorm pikcha

normdate 6.10.6
it was so good to see my mother again when she picked me up on thursday from the airport. the air is a bit thicker here in the city, a reminder of what its like to live in a metropolis.
and my mom is the best cook in the world. she loves the kitchen, and it was awesome to sit down to a good home cooked meal. thanks mom, i love you.
i took the go train from whitby to toronto last night and stopped off at darryl and isa's place. they were the one of the last people i saw before i left, and they were the first friends i saw on my return. i love them so much. they are family to me.

isa and i jumped into a cab and headed towards the going away party of our friends bobby and dana. dana earned herself a teaching position at the university of texas el paso. dana and bobby got married last summer in one of the most beautiful weddings i've ever attended. they are also family to me.

its so good to be back around friends, and to be back home in the big smoke. its good to be loved and remembered. as i sat in the cab on our way to bobby and dana's party, i asked our cab driver where he was from. he answered "somalia", which encouraged me to say "mahatsuntai" (thank you in somali). cab drivers have always given me the most opportunity to learn and practice how to say thank you in other languages. but what made this cab driver extra special was what he said next.
he said "i remember you! you asked me how to say thank you in somali last year! i don't forget people like you."
isa and i looked at each other and smiled. its good to be remembered, to leave a positive impression on the people around me, including strangers driving a cab.
thanks to living in this city, i've learned to say thank you in 59 languages. it is the most powerful word you can say to a stranger, and it leaves a lasting impression.
the going away party was held at the rhino. it was so good to see friends that i haven't seen since last year. actually, it was the best feeling. i've always said that riding powder is better than sex, but only by a little bit. the best place in the world is where my friends are.
christina showed up too, and words can't describe how perfekt it was to see her. i've missed her so much that it goes beyond words.
we ended up at neil and devi's place for the after party. they live above xoxo on queen street, and have the best patio in the city. it looks down over the black bull on the north, and provides a perfekt view of the cn tower to the south.
to celebrate with friends again back in the city, to be around people i've loved for years, and to fall asleep with the woman i love in my arms...*sigh* was a friday night i will not soon forget.
i woke up today with christina in my arms. oh how i've missed this feeling.
she headed home and i began my trek back to darryl and isa's place. my walk across the city reminded me why i love this place so much. i cruised through the most multicultural part of the world, kensington market, where i randomly ran into three friends. i grooved to a live band playing in the market, then stopped off at nathan phillips square where the phillipino festival was underway. music, dancing, food...awesome! the nxne festival was also in full swing, and a talented hip hop group was droppin maad lyrics at dundas square. gawd i love this city. torontonians take every opportunity in the summer to be outside and dance together...for free! so many options, so much diversity, so much incredible energy.
this place may be overpopulated and polluted, but i've got the best people in the world to cough with.
it was isa's birthday on thursday, and she was hosting her bday party tonight at her place. another excellent opportunity to see people i love and haven't seen since i left. my friends are the fukkin kewlest people in the universe.

cute puppies and radiant goddesses

jedi knight nick and my sister

isa and my best friend mel

mel kidnapped me and took me to andy poolhall for our friend meghan's birthday

meghan is part of my markham krew, the family i have had in my life for over 20years

swiss girls are hawt

chris and ori

two grads (mel and ori's wife)

and it was sooo awesome to see my homeboy graham

i headed back to darryl and isa's and enjoyed a little down time with the krew that was still there, including isa's uber sexxxy brother daniele and his radiant nubian goddess remi.

my friends are beautiful, and are also really good lookin too!

its good to be back home, oh how i missed this time zone. strangers are fascinating, their mysteries never end, but there's nothing like looking at your own history in the faces of your friends. - ani difranco
i am blessed. i keep the best people in my life whom i love and who love me, and that makes me the richest person in the world.