Geek Lab and Geek Soothe Tuesday – Saturday Want to solder together pieces of wire, metal, scrapped electronics, and old motherboards? Make “art”, jewelry, ‘bugs’ or just play around. Super cool lab coats given out as prizes. At our OCD station you can wash your hands, count beads, check the over, wash your hands…Hosted by: Burn the Greek @ Anxious and 7:30 photo by carlos avila gonzalez
randnorm minda grenade when I read about the evils of drinking, i gave up reading.- henny youngman
randnorm pikcha santacon 2005 in the big smoke
randnorm video
poison - talk dirty to me
normdate 7.12.6
comin home from work at the source today i took the ctrain and the bus. as i looked around me on the packed bus to edgemont, i was surprised to see more asians (both yellow and brown) than caucasians. in calgary of all places. a bus full of more people who spoke english as a second language than english as their first language. the cspot ain't like it used to be.
once home, i quickly ate dinner and drove to canada olympic park for our thursday night on hill training with cads. problem is, because my registration hasn't gone through yet (for whatever reason) and i'm not teaching a registered cads student on friday nights, i wasn't allowed to join the cads group tonight for on hill training:( this made me very sad. it sucks that i'm stuck in the middle of beauracracy that i have no control over. it sucks even more that i wasn't able to ride tonight. i'm going to work on this problem tomorrow night.
i found this old skewl gem in the basement of our shop.
original old skewl black snow mogul monster. no metal edges, just a plastic board with straps for your feet. awesomely dangerous!
my friend steve is visiting from toronto on business, so tuesday night we hooked for some early weeek school night drunkenness.
dinner in kensington at molly malones
our very cute waitress
of course no trip to the cspot on a tuesday night is complete without seeing brokentoyz play at morgans.
hooray glam rock cover bands!
czech da playlist jump. talk dirty to me. 18 and life. panama. home sweet home. once bitten twice shy. oh man, how can you ont have a good time with a playlist like that?
cuties and and some coppin a feel
$11.50 for a bucket of 4 molson canadian is the recipe for a messy evening...especially when delivered by cute waitresses.
broken toyz + bucketz of boozeahol = broken norm
the cab ride home was a blur. hooray tuesday night shennanigans. it was awesome to see you steve. wednesday at work was a bit tough, but it was worth it to be able to spend an evening with a good friend from home.
photographic scavenger hunt 2:00pm-6:00pm bring a digital camera and some friends to go on a photographic scavenger hunt. examples include: photo of larry harvey without his hat. best "normal" dressed person. best undressed person. best law enforcement officers making out picture. pictures judged the next day. winning team will be publicly humiliated. hosted by: nym @ playainfo
photo by steven fritz
randnorm mind grenade
randnorm pikcha christina rawkin the dirty uma kill bill stylee
randnorm video
iraqi children running for water...sad :(
normdate 4.12.6
after a day working at the furniture store, i had my first evening of training at the source snowboard shop in kensington. i'm pretty stoked to be working in a snowboard shop, especially the one that is the largest independant snowboard retailer in canada. i remember my friend brett giving me a source sticker in university, telling me that it was a local shop back in his hometown of calgary.
i've got a lot of product knowledge to soak up, and i'm stoked. its so good to be around gear, to learn about gear, and train to be an expert on something i'm passionate about. this is the first step on the ladder to becoming a product rep, a goal i would like to accomplish by next season. until then, i'm happy learning about the peeps on the front line of this industry, the ones who are selling the gear.
the environment is so chill too. hell, its a skateboard and snowboard shop. the manager is in a punk bank, is covered in tattoos, there is punk music and hip hop playin in the shop, and i can wear whatever i want. plus, downstairs in the huge shoe and boot storage room, there are a couple skateboards so you can cruise through the room faster than walkin. yup, just jump on a skate and get your shoes from the back. hooray! this job is making me very happy already. even better, i will also be helping out with the online store too. people + snowboarding + technology...perfekt!
even better, my friend anke is coming to calgary from her trip to guatemala. she's stopping here for a few days on her way back to nelson where she'll stay for a few days before going home to germany for christmas. i'm so stoked to see her. the force is strong with her.
i've shared some awesome times with anke, and i can't wait to see her again.
my friend steve from toronto is also in town. i'm lookin forward to hookin up with him too. ha! we were once ravers *lol* i know you're lauging will, and steve i know you're just looking at the pikchaz ;) can't wait to see you brother.
and as if i wasn't already happy, my good friend graham is driving in from edmonton this weekend to celebrate santacon here in calgary. anke will also be here to get sleighed with us. oh man its going to be a fun weekend.
i'm going to miss rampaging through toronto with my toronto burners this year though. i miss you guys like crazy!
hey nick, hold it down for the darth santa massif. the lightsaber has been passed to you, young jedi.
ain't nothing like rampaging through the city dressed as santa, sants's elves, and senata's sexxy ho ho hoes. a hundred santas singing anarchist christmas carols and storming a bar is really something to see...even more fun to be a part of.
this past saturday i got to don my pirate costume once again (read normal normurai attire with an eye patch) at a pirate party here in the cspot. even better, i got to bring kristin's father, rob, with me for some swash buckling pirate fun! he's a guidance counselor at an alternative school here in calgary. i was lookin forward to an evening of partying with him.
kristin was at her company christmas party, and i had plans with her father to have dinner and just drink. plans changed thanks to captain q and her invite to a pirate party.
q has the cutest bathroom ever. so evil, red, and on fire. even the toilet bowl cleaner is a devil's pitch fork! mischievously genius.
the pirate party was not far from q's place. i didn't know the people hosting the party, but they were friends of our common friend laureena, another calgary burner. yay burnerz! yay pirates, yearrrr!
i was impressed with how much effort people put into their outfits.
the host was alaso an ultimate frisbee player, so many of the people there were part of her all female ultimate team. we ultimate players take the game very seriously. we love it. its a cult ;) cultimate!
this season we the first one in four years that i did not play in an ultimate league:( i actually didn't play a single game this season. not having a permanent home kinda made it hard for me to commit to a league. i still tossed a lot of disc, but i miss the game.
ultrasonic, coast 2 coast disc jockeys, and the tribe monkeys reprazent!
i had some red lightning wire, so i helped make rob (kristin's dad) an eye patch. add a bandana and some bondage straps, and we had him lookin skurvey enough to drink drink with us dastardly pirate dawgz. yearrr!
both q and i received so many compliments on our costumes. we giggled. what we were wearing isn't really any different from what we'd normally wear out on a saturday night, except i wore an eye patch and q wore her pirate hat. other than that, it was pretty much our usual weekend attire. its fun to be around another cutie who outfits their personality on a regular basis.
the house was beautifully decorated, there was plenty of food and boozeahol, the music was fab, and the people were top drawer. this town is a whole lot of alright.
thanks for an awesome evening q! it was great partying with you rob.
i have so many things in my life to be thankful for. praise the divine...and herb and wine! ;)