flow revolution
join us for exploration, expression and fun with flow toys (poi, hoop, staff, flags) during open spin in our playa playspace with instructors on hand. glitter girl will offer a special session for intermediate and advanced poi artists. hosted by: temple of poi in avalon synapse station @ 7:30 and catharsis
photo by eric cassel
randnorm mind grenade you don't take a photograph, you make it. - ansel adams
randnorm pikcha

normdate 7.14.6
my sister's kitty (used to be my kitty), sativa, likes to distract me while i'm trying to blog.

i'd normally get upset and push her off, but she's too daam cute.

i had a lunch date with christina, so i jumped on the subway and headed to our rendevouz spot. man it sucks not having a phone :(

randnorm four twenty sighting
christina and i made a quick stop to pick up a backdrop for a photo shoot she was doing.

then we headed to the rivoli for lunch and libations.

yah, it seems like christina and i spend a lot of time together. we kinda like each other...lots ;)
my friend steve came and picked me up from the rivoli, and we headed to his home in kettleby. i've known steve and his partner kate from university. i've been good friends with both of them, even before they got together. their wedding was awesomem full of the best of friends!

last year kate gave birth to a beautiful baby girl, elissa claire prentice gee.

i was so excited to see elissa. she must be so big now. and i really like steve and kate's place. they live on a farm, with horses!

elissa is huge now, and so adorable!

even the horses have babies...and this one is named luke skywalker! wikkid!

white pussy cat

the apple doesn't fall far from the tree

no farm is complete without a big red tractor

tryin out new hairstyles...the dreadlock mohawk: dreadhawk!

i'm honoured to have you in my life steve and kate. elissa is beautiful.

steve drove me down to yorkdale to catch the subway. on my walk through the mall, my friend brad ran up to me and said "where is everybody?". he was sweating and looked tired. i had no idea what he was talking about. he said that he was there to drive a group of peeps to teknival, a free outdoor weekend celebration in quebec. he thought i was part of the troop that he was supposed to pick up. i didn't know who he was supposed to pick up, but i did remember seeing a group of people waiting by the entrance who had sleeping bags and camping gear. so i took brad to them, and sure enough that's who he was supposed to find. he had been searching for over an hour for them. i'm glad i could help.

i headed downtown and stopped by my friend ian's place. it was my friend terri's birthday and they were beginning the celebrations at ian's. i've known terri since high school (yes, another markham friend). i've known ian for longer, even before markham...over 20 years now. holy shit!

happy birthday terri!
on my walk to the streetcar, i ran into my old roommate jimmy.

then i headed to my friend evva's place. it was her birthday too, and my friends james and pat from london were in town visiting. it was so good to see those guys. i haven't seen pat since santarchy last year, and james, sheed, i can't remember the last time i saw him.

tired and exhausted, i walked home in the pouring rain (evva lives about 10 mins away from my sister's).
not so bad of a friday...i'd say a good one \m/^_^\m/