having spent a week striving to disturb positive religion so that we might return to the primordial negativity of silence, we will now sit in this silence and bask in the awe of the cosmos and what is beyond it. join us for this un-guided meditation. hosted by: twilight of the gods @ 9:00 and amnesia
photo by holly kreuter
randnorm mind grenade
real knowledge is to know the extent of one's ignorance.- confucius
randnorm pikcha

randnorm video
girls kissing...gawd that's hawt!
normdate 20.8.6
kristin and i woke up early today and drove 90 minutes north of calgary to ther father's trailer at the glennifer lake resort and country club. it was sunny and warm, perfekt weather to be on a lake.
this place was pretty swanky, for a trailer park. it was quite a contrast to the stereotypes that trailer park boys portrays. i couldn't help but notice that this is where the rich white people have their trailer, cause i definitely was the only coloured guy in the whole place (at leat that i saw).
comin from toronto, i'm used to being around every different race, creed, colour, and orientation. very rarely am i the only non-white person at any party or venue i go to...things are a bit different here. more often than not, i am the only coloured guy around. i know i'm a minority, its just not that often that i feel like one.
seems like golf carts are the way to get around here the country club

some peeps even like to pimp out their carts...rekognize!

we played in the park by the pond

kristin's siter antonia decided to play photographer

and she snapped a few pix

three up posse! fuck yeah! fuck you!

kristin's dad and step mom had just bought a boat, so we headed down to lake glennifer to do some tubing.

seems like golf carts aren't the only the only toy most people have here...they also like their boats. yarr, there be pirates in this trailer park.

our water chariot arrived

two person tube, check!

two kids in a tube, check!

thumb up means faster...thumb down means slower.

next up on the tube, mikhail and i

daam tubing behind a boat is fun

and wet

nothing like a kokanee after some tubing...hooray beer!

i'm not sure if antonia is old enough to drive a boat

the water was beautiful and warm...time for a swim.

linda and rob's turn to take a dip

kristin and i on the tube...

linda gunned it

and we nearly flew off the tube

holy shit that was fun! spending an afternoon in the sun can really help you work up an apetite, so we headed back to the trailer for a bbq.

toni had an idea for a photo shoot, and she had such cooperative models.

after dinner relaxation

the sun was going down, and kristin had some reading to do for her class, so our day of adventure in the sun on glennifer lake came to an end. thanks rob and linda for opening up your trailer to me. i had a blast!

in one week, i'm going to be in reno. in one week and one day, i'll be home on the playa again. i can't wait. i've got a lot of preparing to do. i'm so fukkin stoked! i've never been this excited for anything since, well, last year when i was going to burning man.
