Geek Lab and Geek Soothe
Tuesday – Saturday
Want to solder together pieces of wire, metal, scrapped electronics, and old motherboards? Make “art”, jewelry, ‘bugs’ or just play around. Super cool lab coats given out as prizes. At our OCD station you can wash your hands, count beads, check the over, wash your hands…Hosted by: Burn the Greek @ Anxious and 7:30
photo by bucky
randnorm mind grenade

randnorm pikcha
randnorm video
justin timberlake on snl - its the best kind of christmas gift *bwahahahaha*
normdate 20.12.6
happy winter soulstice!
'tis the season to be jolly, and busy. i've been working six days a week this holiday season so blogging has kinda come second to sleeping...and riding ;)
last week i saw a premiere screening of the new movie called snow cake with kristin, rob, and linda. the movie stars alan rickman, sigourney weaver, and carrie ann moss. czech out the trailer here.
alan rickman did an excellent job in this dramatic and moving role.
i really enjoyed how they chose to portray sigourney weaver as a highly functioning adult with autism. i laughed, i cried. this movie will move you...and rotten tomatoes gives it an 80%! plus its filmed in wawa, ontario.
one of the most memorable parts of the movie was a reading at the funeral from a children's book about a someone who has a little brother with autism: 'everyone says my little brother wont grow up and do things that everyone else does. that's fine with me, he'll just grow up and do different things.'
and on friday, kristin's younger autistic brother liam proved to me that he can do the things i can do too: he was able to snowboard from the top of c.o.p. to the bottom! it was awesome! way to go liam. i'm so glad to be your instructor this season and shred the mountain with you.
addikted to the snow (d'uh), i spent a few hours on saturday riding the park at c.o.p. because the park is sponsored by the source, i get to ride c.o.p. for free any time i want. free riding, wikkid park, and only 20minutes away from my house. hooray work benefits :)
gawd i love working at a snowboard shop. its the most chill environment ever.
not only do i get to sell gear that i'm passionate about (this was my first complete package that i sold to a japanese woman)...
we also get to play dress up. gear is sexxxy.
special blend limited edition lumber jack series and the forum limited edition lrg snowboard. where's my axe?
the idiom grayscale series, a collaboration between burton and japanese streetwear legend hiroshi fujiwara.
that jacket was as thin as a k-way, and it can be yours for only $625!!! wtf?
i love catchin air, and there are so many well shaped kickers at c.o.p. i was also painfully reminded that me and rails don't necessarily work well together. after eating a rail with my face, i decided to nurse my bloody puffy lip inside the lounge with a beer.
rails look better in videos than on my face. methinks i'll just stick to catchin air.
aah, those were the daze
czech out scotty wittlake and this siiick rail
on saturday night, kristin convinced me to join her at a jungle party to hear a dj named noisia play.
after a day of riding, i wasn't really up for a night of dancing to jungle, especially seeing as i was hoping to go riding again on sunday. i will gladly give up partying in any form in exchange for a day of snowboarding. yes, i eat, breathe, and sleep snowboarding. its better than sex, but only by a little bit ;)
somehow kristin convinced me to join her (payin for my ticket kinda helped).
the venue was a small community hall in the southwest of calgary. the jungle beatz were raw and dirty, and beer was only $3. i met an old school raver from toronto there too. it seems we rolled in similar circles back in the big smoke.
noisia came on (only one half of the duo) and played some dutty beatz that mos definitely got kristin shakin her ass. i'm a fan of jungle, but somehow the evening just wasn't blowin me away. perhaps it was the familiar hippie smell of these junglists that threw me off, or the all ages group of peeps that were out.
but i knew the evening was not for me at the end of the night when someone liberated my jacket! WTF?!?! man, that was my only winter jacket, and my only snowboarding jacket. what a shitty way to end off the night. a party i didn't care about going to, and my only jacket gets stolen. *grrrrr*
needless to say, i didn't go riding on sunday. jackets are kinda necessary here in this fukkin kold ass town :( hopefully santa will have a jacket in his bag for me this christmas...and if he doesn't, i get good deals at work on gear.
kristin and i hooked up with my friend brett on monday night. brett lives in vancouver with his partner laura (where i normally stay when in van city), but he is originally from calgary. he came back to the cspot for the holidaze.
we stopped off at mount royal college first so that kristin could drop off her final assignment. congratulations kristin on finishing school and getting your degree!
we ended up at molly malones in kensington to celebrate with some wings and booze.
i like this place. the food is good, the place is relaxed, and there are drinkin quotes painted on the wall.
and the waitresses who work there are also very easy on the eyes.

mmm...sexxxy ink and plaid skirts *drool*
and the sign said long haired freaky people need not apply.
i love brett. its so awesome hanging out with him, catchin up, and eating mountains of chicken wings with him too.
last night i had plans to go to the calgary zoo and czech out the zoo lights with jessie q, the radiant asian goddess that i met at cowboys on santarchy night last weekend.
we met at steeps, a teahouse in the mount royal area and began our journey to the zoo. we kinda missed our turn onto memorial drive, so we had to do a little backtracking. as we attempted to make our way back to the road we had missed, jessie said that her friend corrine lives in the area and began describing to me the christmas art installations that corrine creates in the windows of her home every year. i suggested we stop by and see what she had created this year. what happened next was randnormness is all its beauty.
corrine's windows were more than just decorated with lights, her entire front yard was an interactive art installation. i felt like i was on the playa again, which kinda made sense as corrines is a seasoned burner. what made her art even better was that corrine was also having an open house in celebration of winter soulstice, the longest night of the year.
the tree of light in corrine's front lawn was draped in carboard hanging from strings. there were markers by the root of the tree. we were encouraged to leave a thought, a wish, a message, any inspiration that came to us, on the hanging cardboard. the energy of the playa flows everywhere.
corrine was so happy to see us. her place was beautifully decorated, and full of people celebrating the winter soulstice. it was a celebration of light. from this day forward, there will be more light in our daze.

corrine is a radiant, conscious, and realized goddess. her home was inviting, welcoming, and full of others celebrating light. i was excited to see that my friends kane and lisa were there too.

there was food, wine, music, creativity, and inspiration everywhere you looked. the universe was conspiring to bring jessie and i to corrine's home last night. our wrong turn took us to the right place.
jessie did a contact juggling performace. she is pure jedi.
the words of inspiration that radiated from the art installation surrounding corrine's beautiful home.
and inside

same inspiration, different manifestation.
more mind grenades from corrine's interactive art installation.
thank you so much corrine for opening up your home to us, for sharing your creativity in such incredible and interactive ways. you truly are an omni-dimensional translator. i am honoured to reflect the light you create in this world.

i drove jessie home where we ended up having an impromptu photo shoot with her roommate tran.

what an awesome evening of randnormness.

sacred ink on jessie's body
thank you for an incredible evening of randnormness jessie.
