normdate 3.17.06riondale, b.c.
right meow i am sitting in a papasan chair at the home of the mou collective, riondale, east shore, b.c. i was so stoked to come back here after my incredible experience last time. this is the place where i tuned into the prana of the kootz, dressed up in the most majikal outfits, and enjoyed fellowship with creative beings of light. holy shit i sound like a fukkin hippie. its this area, there is powerful energy that is cradled in the valleys of the kutenai mountains, and connected by rivers. however, if i start sayin shit like
manifestation and
spectralization, someone please slap me *g*

creating art in a home that is decorated like can it not be majik?

shrines with huge prismatic quartz crystals and animal furs. powerful!

scotty and ali came to pick me up yesterday in nelson. we met at
oso negro,
the coffee shop in nelson. just hanging out there for 30minutes connected me with so many people. if that many people come to hang out there in mid march, i can only imagine what it must be like when the weather is warmer. i'm looking forward to it.
while i was chillin at oso, i came across a beautiful goddess named jemma. we rekognized each other but it took a minute to remember how we knew each other. in 2003, jemma and he partner heffe came to toronto for om. my friend dena had asked if i had space in my car to drive two beautiful souls from the sunshine coast to om. my friend erin was driving me to om in her van, and we had the space. so jemma and heffe became part of our majik journey to om that year. and here i was running into jemma 2.5years later in nelson.

this is the only pik i have of jemma from om. if you think she's beautiful, wait till you hear her sing.

the free ferry to the east shore, like before, is breathtaking. "its the free ferry to riondale" is what scotty and ali would say. looking at them, i would say its the free boat to rivendale, because elvish majik flows powerfully though my companions and here in the koots.

i'm looking forward to creating with this collective. this home is decorated in a way that channels creativity. it brings out peace and calm in me. it inspires. and having my computer here with me also does typing on a wireless keyboard sitting cross legged in a papasan chair. man i miss my popasan chair. i know its being enjoyed and loved my michelle in toronto. hi michie!
i brought my robe and other outfits to play dress up here.gawd i love dress up. outfitting the many facets of your personality. from dressing up disco bucktooth stylee..

to dark dredi...

to a little from column a and a little from column b...

clothing is such a great expression of self. fashion, its not necessary, but hella fun.

i'm going to help develop the mou collective's website in exchange for a set of arm bands and an outfit that they will create for me. it was fun watching scott pick out lines that he uses to create the shapes of his armbands. using tracing paper, he would take lines and curves from my scrapbooks and even from the tattoos on my body. with these smooth lines and curves he'd construct a design with another piece of tracing paper on top, picking from his library of curves and shapes he collected. its incredible to see where the inspirations for these designs come from some people see a photograph, others see lines. perspective is everything.

the tracing paper on the right was scott's library of curves. the piece on the left was his first draft of the armband.

this is the final version of the armband. i'm so stoked. i can't wait to wear them.
the mou collective are worshippers of sacred geometry. there is great power in shapes, and these katz embody sacred geometry in so many creative ways.

i had never worked with the beauty of such simple shapes before, and the mou collective showed me the beauty and complexities of simple shapes. it began with the flower of life.

the oldest example of the flower of life was found at the temple of osiris at abydos in egypt. it was carved in granite. though very simple to create using a pencil, compass, and paper, recreating the flower of life in vector using corel draw and flash was a bit more challenging. it was a bit of a challenge to place the center of a circle on the circumference of another circle. at least in flash you can snap to an object, which made recreating the flower of life a bit less of a challenge. if you'd like to know more about the flower of life,
click here.

the mou logo is created from the flower of life, so it was necessary to recreate the flower before attempting to animate it in flash. it was also a bit of a challenge to get the mou collective to map out their creations before building it. they are used to creating, shaping, and co-creating together. when working on a painting or a piece in photoshop, its a lot easier to make changes to the creation as you go along. working with flash, however, requires detailed planning first before you begin to create. a storyboard must be made first before any of the pieces are to be built. every piece that is going to be animated needs to be created first. its like cooking a meal, you need to know what you want to create and have all of your ingredients ready before you begin cooking.

having to deal with the business community for the past 7 years has shaped my approach to design and planning, so co-creating with the mou collective was a new challenge for me. they're not used to strategic planning, or story boards. their worship of sacred geometry also presents itself in the way they speak...they speak in circles.

to get a better understanding of what they wanted to accomplish with their site, i asked them to list three primary goals for the mou site and create a mou mission statement. that may not have been the best approach. i've never heard the words manifestation, spectralization, or synchrolicious used so much in a short period of time. its how these katz express themselves, but when narrowing down a focus those kinds of galaktik spectralizations aren't very helpful. so i asked them to pretend that their artwork was being displayed in a gallery, and the gallery was creating a flyer to encourage others to visit the exhibition. i asked them to describe who they are and what they do in 500 words or less, similar to a profile of themselves as it would appear on that flyer. that was a much better approach. if mou = me + you, it begins with knowing who you are first before you can even begin to create mou.

sharing who they are in 500 words or less was a much better approach. describing who you are and what you do in a limited number of words, or even a single sentence, is a very challenging task. it took me over a year to narrow down who i am in a single sentence. alexandra said "
you cannot demand something that you cannot offer". i liked that, so when we sat around to share who we are in 500 words or less, i contributed who i am.
i am a discoball of mirrors reflekting the world around me, and i choose to roll with the fukkin kewlest people.
having my computer there allowed me to share with them some of my work, as well as provide entertainment. we watched the malcolm in the middle episode where they went to burning man, and we watched david blaine's fearless dvd. the mou collective were impressed at how david blaine shaped the world around him.
for those who believe, no explanation is necessary. for those who don't, none will suffice.
after a great four days of co-creation, scott, amit, and ali drove me back to nelson. we stopped off at the breat canadian pizza joint in nelson to get some food. i ran into my friend norris and jamie there. they were on their sunday evening tour of gluttony, stopping off at two pizza joints in nelson and ending the evening off with popcorn and a movie.

what a great way to end a great weekend on the east shore of kootenay lake.
blessings to the mou collective.