the wilson phillips pancake breakfast
i think the name says it all. hosted by: the bouncy bouncy club @ 4:30 and bipolar
photo by bucky
randnorm mind grenade
reflect on your present blessings, of which every man has many; not on your past misfortunes, of which all men have some. - charles dickens
randnorm pikcha
photo by hamish grant
randnorm video
someday somebody's gonna make you wanna turn around and say goodbye...;)
you know you know the words.
normdate 27.8.6
i awoke this morning to sunshine reflekting off the mountains of idaho in the town of pocatello. i had spent the night sleeping in the back seat of a ford f150 pickup truck, which was surprisingly more comfortable than i thought. alright, who am i kidding...the back seat was small and packed with gear, i was just too tired to care.

kristin wasn't ready to wake up just yet.

there really isn't much in pocatello, especially at sunrise. we did happen to get a speeding ticket though, and the officer was everything you think a highway patrolman in idaho would look like, and sound like: big brimmed hat, chiselled chin, american accent. i wanted so badly to take his pikcha, but given the circumstances i decided not to ask.
as we approached consumerville pocatello (read strip malls and fast food), we crossed a bridge over a very beautiful canyon. gorgeous opportunity for pikchaz!

mike had been driving all night, so we decided to stop and get something to eat before someone else took the wheel. what better place to eat a good wholesome american breakfast than the international house of pancakes?
wow, the portions here in america are rather big. gravy.

breakfast was rather satisfying. all that food for $6. i ain't complainin.
i took over the wheel and gave mike some well deserved rest time.

we made sure to fill up before hitting the highway again. this truck has a pretty big tank...

a few hours of open road later, we entered into the silver state of nevada. hooray, we ain't in idaho no mo!

we decided to stop in the city of winnemucca, a few hours outside of reno, to do our walmart shop for supplies. you could definitely spot the burners on the highway and in winnemucca. the excitement was getting a bit too much to contain...we were in nevada! only one more sleep until we are finally home!
walmart: love it or hate it, they sure can help make your dollar go further.
after a smart repacking of the truck with all of our newly purchased gear (hooray walmart), we refueled and began our final stretch to reno, the biggest little city in the world.
there sure are a lot of custom license plates here in nevada.

mountains and desert. this kind of environment will be my home for the next week...

...but not until we spent an evening in the most ghetto little city in nevada. aah, reno.

we arrived in reno at sunset, and holy shit were we ever hungry. we czech'd into our hotel at circus circus. this place was uber tackmo.

but we didn't care, the room was dirt cheap and we were too hungry to give a shit. our 24hr drive from calgary to reno was finally over, and it was time for a buffet. my friend karen, a torontonian who was part of my bman krew last year, was also staying at circus circus, so we called her room and she joined us for dinner.
we were told that the buffet at the eldorado was the best, so that was where we were going. we took the shuttle from circus circus and began our trek to the buffet. kristin was so hungry (and irritable from being hungry) that she couldn't wait for lollygagging (which i have got down to an art). we immediately lost her and karen after getting off the shuttle. dae and mike were distracted by the cashew woman by the shuttle. caught in between, i tried to go back and get dae and mike. not being able to find them, i headed to our agreed destination...the eldorado buffet. kristin and karen were nowhere to be found, so i grabbed a plate and began eating. mike and dae showed up a few minutes later, and together we enjoyed a very good all you can handle meal. it wasn't the mgm grand buffet i enjoyed this time last year, which was the best buffet i've ever had, but it was well worth the $12.95.
kristin and karen never showed up.
after dinner, mike, dae and i cruised through the heart of flashy light ding ding usa on our way back to the hotel room.

en route, we ran into karen and kristin. turns out, kristin was so goddam hungry that she went into the first buffet she saw. she's a much happier person when she's not hungry :P
ridiculously tired from an exhausting journey through alberta, idaho, and nevada, we watched the malcolm in the middle season 7 premiere on my laptop before passing out. i can't count how many times i've watched that episode: malcolm and family go to burning man. though not the most accurate representation of the burn, its not completely out to left field, not to mention that its pretty fukkin funny too.

"burning man is an incredible interactive experiment in human creativity. where you do art just for arts' sake. and you make music from instruments that came to you in dreams. its the one place where you're free to let go and really see what you're capable of creating without worrying about what anyone else thinks. that's what burning man is all about." - malcolm
^^^not too bad of an attempt at describing the burn, at least one person's perspective of it

one more sleep until we start calling black rock city our home.
a year ago i was in vegas, just as excited for the burn as i am now...only thing is i had no idea just how mind blowing it was going to be.
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