how to be a ninja
learn the secret art of the ninja, including vital skills such as weapons, hand-to-hand combat, invisibility, and if we have time, how to fly. no experience necessary. wearing of black is encouraged. hosted by: duck pond @ chance and 9:00
photo by steven fritz
randnorm mind grenade
the opposite of a correct statement is a false statement. but the opposite of a profound truth may well be another profound truth. - niels bohr
randnorm pikcha
tadashi fuse, frontside 360 one oooter, whistler backcountry, b.c. canada
photo: dice-k maru
randnorm video
ninja tune vs. burning man - video by halcyon
normdate 15.9.6
my friend tyson and his brother ari were responsible for organzing the calgary earthdance festival. tyson and ari, founders of the tekno collective, have been holdin it down for the calgary edm scene for the past 7 years, and are known for throwing successful intimiate jams. i met tyson in toronto in 2004. he was living with my friend kally just down the street from my place near queen and bathurst.
normurai and tyson at om 2k4
it was awesome to reconnekt with tyson here in his hometown of calgary. it was even better to contribute to the vibe of this city's young and thriving rave scene. yes it is a rave scene...and yes, it is young.
the earthdance mission:
our mission is to promote peace by joining participants worldwide in a synchronized PRAYER FOR PEACE and to support humanitarian causes through the global language of music and dance.
listen to the prayer for peace here
340 locations in 57 countries! truly, a global gathering of celebration. i was stoked. its an incredible thing to get a group of people to do one thing, yet alone thousands of people all over the world...and there just aren't enough people dancing in this world ;)
i re-invented an old outfit with make up.

the inspiration for the make up came from a wise jedi master named shaak-ti
kristin, crystal, and i arrived at the venue just after 10pm. the space was an industrial wharehouse in the southeast of calgary. the weather was cold, really cold actually. good thing we didn't have to wait long to get in.

thanks for takin care of us tyson.

the evening was just starting, and the place filled up quite fast. there were sofas against the wall for chillin, and a decent lighting system. some slick house beatz were being dropped by local female dj isis. i was impressed with her mixing and track selektion, and shook my ass in appreciation.

the scene here in calgary is raw. it reminds me of the old days where people left their attitude at the door and came to get down. the average age of the partiers here is also very young, about 19yrs old was the average age at this jam.

some people don't enjoy all age parties. perhaps being around youtz make people feel old? maybe some people don't like seeing young kids fucked up on drugs? perhaps these kidz remind people of how young and immature they were when they were that age.

to be old and wise, one must first be young and stupid.
the scene here reminds me of the vibe at hullabaloo parties in toronto. hulla kids are colourful, happy, accepting, plurtastic, and as a whole rather young.

hullabaloo spaced invaders, 2000
its as though the ideals that hold raving together, peace, love, unity, and respect, somehow dissipate as ravers get older. i've found that those ideals are preserved and practiced more with youth. at least one thing hasn't changed...raving is for beautiful people ;)

kristin was tired so her and crystal left. i was having a fukkin blast, and the house beats were all kinds of awesome.

i'm such a sucka for blonde dreaded goddesses *drool*

bigups to music first for organizing this event. bless ups to the calgary scene for keeping the p.l.u.r. mentality alive. congratulations to the earthdance organizers for creating this global celebration. and thank you to the goddess i shared the evening with.