critical tits 10th annual bike ride
women and girls are invited to join the coolest event - the critical tits bicycle ride. meet at the man with bikes and painted chests. for women and girls only please. hosted by: the women of roar shack blotter, inc.
photo by the witness
randnorm mind grenade
"all great deeds and all great thoughts have a ridiculous beginning." - albert camus
normdate 4.14.6
after a brief four hour rest, i awoke to enjoy coffee and breakfast with brett and laura before they headed off to work. it is so good to be around close friends again. the relationships i've created and nurtured over the past four months have been amazing, but there is nothing like looking at your own history in the faces of your friends that you have loved for years.
brett only worked a half day, and returned early afternoon to enjoy some good friday herbalisms and the company of the wise. we packed up a bag lunch and headed to jehrico beach to be closer to the ocean and throw a frisbee. spring is in full force here in vansterdam.

the ocean brings out such majik and wonder, especially with the coastal mountains creating the backdrop.

gawd i love throwing a frisbee. the season is finally upon us. actually, in vancouver the season lasts all winter, and outdoors too! a little rain ain't ever stopped a frisbee enthusiast from tossing a disc.

owen and i chilled out by the ocean as i shared some calligraphy techniques with him. our next stop was the home of my friend dawn who lives on commercial drive. public transit was going to be a bit more of a shock to my system than i thought.
as i looked out the windows of the bus as we cruised down commercial drive, i noticed a bunch of hippies outside of joe's cafe banging on drums. but they weren't just any hippies, they were kutenai hippies! owen and i jumped off the bus immediately and enjoyed the company of our friends joel, skye, luke, and brett (same brett who came with us). it was the kutenai korner on kommercial doing things that are against the law in nelson: banging on drums and playing hacky sack in downtown nelson is a no-no according to the po-po.

the sun was setting in the distance, the rhythm of life was being played by the kutenai kollektiv, and i danced freely on the korner. faeries and fools has brought many people to this place, and many of us were hanging out on this particular corner together, celebrating.

lori and jada showed up soon after with oscar and mackaya. kutenai mommies are the most beautiful goddesses.

dawn showed up on her unicycle, and took owen and i back to her place a few blocks away. i love the reaction dawn gets when she rides past people on her unicycle. it brings out such a fun and lighthearted joy in strangers.

i love how dawn and her roomie ariel have set up their place. each chakra colour is represented by hanging material draped across their living room. there is no sofa, no television, just open space that allows them to spin hula hoops in their living room, and contact juggle.

dawn is an obsessive compulsive contact juggler, and she's very good at what she does. its almost as if the sphere never moves, she just flows around it. her addiction has gotten so out of control that the vancouver police have had to get involved and crack down on this outbreak of contact juggling disorder. click here to see the stolen secutiry tapes from within the riverview correctional facility.
owen has been learning the joys of contact juggling over the past few months. being around a master contact juggler like dawn is an honour, especially when she is such a wealth of knowledge who enjoys sharing.

we left dawn's place to meet up with our hippie bus as they were heading to the coast tonight. i am staying at brett and laura's place and would join up with them tomorrow. once again, it was perfekt to spend time with a good friend that i have loved for years. i love you dawn.

randnorm snippet from right meow...or right then...8:29pm pst:
right meow, i am sitting on the 99b-line ubc bus on my way to brett and laura's. i arrived in vancouver this morning @ 4:20am.
i just left dawn, and the crew of the hippie bus that i drove into town with. they're heading to the sunshine coast now, or at least on the 9pm ferry.
i can't believe i'm in vancouver. even weirder, i can't believe that being in a city feels so wierd and foregin to me...i've only been away for 4 months.
there are so many people, so many lights, so much traffic, just more! more! its such a contrast to the way things are in the kutenais. i lived this city life for so many years, and i never thought i'd see the city life as something foreign to me.
and yet amongst all the people, the pollution, the business, the rat race, there are angels. i just came across two kind souls at the bus stop on commercial drive who had a cart full of food that they were giving away: bags of raost beef sandwiches, pop, oranges, bananas, chocolate, macaroni salad. this is what they do on friday nights, perform random acts of kindness by feeding anoyone who needs it.
this whole trip to the coast has been sponsored by others who wanted me here. i had no money at the beginning of this week to get me here, and yet here i am. the universe has conspired to get me here. thank you owen. thank you jonas. your sponsorship has brougt me here. looks like my stop is next... /random snippet
i gave my friend will a call to let him know i was in town. he showed up at brett and laura's around 10pm and we went out for drinks. aaah, to be in the company of good friends again. will married his japanese school girl yukiko last july here in vancouver. i was so glad to be out here for their wedding. and now yukiko is pregnant! congratulations will and yukiko. i'm so excited and happy for you.

will and i enjoyed each other's company over a few beers at milestones. there's always something to talk about with will...we both like to talk ;) i love you brother.
its good to be back in the 604. tomorrow i make it to the sunshine coast for faeries and fools. i can't wait!