pancakes and soft rock
monday - saturday 9:00am-12:00pm
our pancakes are the best sunny playa morning cure for hangover, late-nights and all else that ails you. friday is white trash day. saturday hippie shit giveaway day. hosted by: pancake playhouse @ center camp and 8:30
photo by jack kelly
randnorm mind grenade
convenience does not give me the right to be wasteful - normurai
randnorm pikcha

regan and leroy - frozen great slave lake, yellowknife may long weekend 2004
normdate 5.22.6
may long weekend, and i now see the light. overcast and rainy weather all weekend has got me connekted to my computer, and guild wars has demanded my attention.
holy shit this game is fun! its my first massively multiplayer online game (mmog) and i now understand what all the hoopla is about playing in virtual fantasy worlds. entire societies exist in cyberspace, characters living out their lives in a fantasy world of ones and zeros.
my character is an elementalist/necromancer named keiras mei. i've aligned her with the element of fire, and she can cast spells that can shoot fireballs and bring flames down from the sky!

...and she daam good lookin too!
her necromancer abilities allow her to siphon life from foes...touch of death for rilly!
not only is this game beautiful to look at, it is so much fun! there are thousands of people interakting, connekting in this online world of fantasy. i've spent the last three days exploring ascalon city (including the surrounding areas), and levelling up my character.

my goal is to be familiar enough with the game and have a half decent character so i can play with brennan and graham this week. they've been addikted to this game for a while, so i can only imagine how badass their characters are. perhaps i'll be skilled enough to be invited to join their guild. holy shit i'm turning into a fukkin geek...hmmm, like i wasn't one before ;)

yes, you can make your characters dance around in their underwear (/dance), among other things. some people will actually give you gold if you dance for them. straight pimpin in ascalon baby!
well, talking about the video game i'm playin isn't really the most interesting of blog topics eh? here's a story about where i was two years ago this may 2-4 weekend.
i visited the groovy goddess elsbeth in yellowknife for may long weekend (we call it may 2-4 in onterrible) in 2004. elsbeth was living in the red roof houseboat on great slave lake.

yup, the lake was still frozen at the time. elsbeth's fiancee, regan, drove his 2tonne pickup truck (leroy) across the ice to the houseboat that weekend!

i had such an incredible time in yellowknife. this country is so beautiful, and the great spirits of the north speak loudly in the north west territories.

so many new experiences in yellowknife. there was no toilet in the houseboat, so i had to shit in a bucket.

i tried to learn how to fly a kite so i could go kite boarding across the frozen lake.

but the kite kicked the shit out of me before i even strapped into a board.

yah, they tethered me to the ice so the kite wouldn't fly away with me. holy shit the north winds are strong!
i had the best randnorm normurai photoshoot on the island behind the houseboat with regan's katana.

i got to blast off some rounds from a shotgun

i even fell through the ice and into great slave lake. you don't know cold until you're in frozen lake water *brrrr*

but the best part of my trip was hanging with elsbeth. she is up there as one of the grooviest girls i have ever met in my entire life. i know you're reading this elsbeth. you fukkin rawk! i am you and you are me.

five months later, i was honoured to be in regan and elsbeth's wedding party and celebrate their committment to be partners in life. i love you guys.

1 comment:
awww thanks normie...
i wish i were heading back to onterrible for the birthday celebrations as well...alas, i will be up here in yellowknife...oh wait!! no alas there! it's great! it's home, i love it here!
come visit again soon!
love elsbeth
p.s. our couch is open to any others who wish to journey to the great white north! just get in touch with norm or check me out on
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