final opening of the god box
your last chance to enter deep within the lair of the mystic toad and open the god box, coming face to face with the ultimate and absolute. offerings gladly accepted. hosted by: the god box @ fetish and 4:30
randnorm mind grenade
the great thing about democracy is that it gives every voter a chance to do something stupid.- art spander
randnorm pikcha
photo by benjamin jordan
normdate 5.20.6
its may long weekend and the weather here is cloudy and rainy, so i'm stayin in and playin guild wars. my good friends brennan and graham randomly gifted me a copy of this game in march. they have been addikted to it for a good couple months. i've been hesitant to install it because of its effect on them, but perhaps a long weekend and less than favourable weather might get me to install it. ok. here goes. if you don't see an update in a few daze, come find me in ascalon city ;)
not too exciting of a blog entry eh? well, how 'bout i share a little story of one of the best random gifts i have ever received? actually, this is what i posted on when it happened, so its a randnorm snippet from the past.
normdate 12.22.4
yesterday i received a very beautiful bead necklace in the mail sent express post to my home and addressed to normurai.the sender did not include their name, but there was a return phone number and address. i called the number and found out it was a bead store on yonge street that matched the return address.there was no card
thank you to whomever it was that sent this necklace to me i love days like this
- that merry guy
normdate 12.23.4
i got a call this morning from the bead store. turns out, the manager of the bead store is my friend andy. he sent me the necklace. when i asked what inspired him to send me such a beautiful piece of jewellery, his response blew my mind.
three years ago, andy set up a booth at om to sell beads and jewellery. my friend dena saw a gorgeous necklace at his booth that according to her "screamed out normie". she purchased the necklace for me and gave it to me as my birthday present (my bday weekend is om). three hours later, the necklace mysteriously fell off my neck. we could not find it, nor could i recall when it fell off of my neck.
we went back to andy at his booth and shared with him my tale of how a beautiful necklace never really had a chance to know its owner.
for the past three years the few times i've seen andy, i remember him always asking me for my home address, telling me he had something to send me. it finally arrived.
three years later my lost necklace has come full circle, and a new beautiful handmade piece now hangs around my neck.
i keep the best people in my life, and its great to be reminded of that.
- that blessed guy
random gifting makes the world a better place. that necklace continues to share incredible adventures of fashion with me! thanks andy. thanks dena. i love and miss you guys.

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