taoist erotic massage for men & their lovers
experience the power of sacred sexuality in this hands-on, clothes-off workshop on yogic breathwork and taoist erotic massage. sessions will focus on the male body. if you're looking to get off, this isn't for you. a spiritual, non-ejaculatory practice. be on time. bring a towel. adults only. hosted by : ascension tribe @ esplanade and 4:00
photo by jason silviero
randnorm mind grenade
ongaku ga nakattara jinsie no imi ga nakunaru - friedrich neitsche (translated into japanese)
randnorm pikcha

fat norm! hulla dec2k4
normdate 5.24.6
the cloudy weather from the weekend hasn't gone away yet. anke and i enjoyed the shelter of oso negro and enjoyed a coffee together as the sky opened up and rained down on the town of nelson.
while at oso, the lovely safire jones escaped the rain and joined us. safire is from the valley, and is a brilliantly talented performer. she had just finished teaching a workshop at the public school and was in full rainbow coloured attire.

click here to czech out safire's site!

of course safire has it goin on, she's a gemini! i still can't believe she hasn't been to burning man yet. safire, you belong on the playa!
in the video on safire's site, i noticed that she knew how to wield an illusion stick (thanks for letting me know what its called safire). i had seen this video of a girl wielding one at shambalha and always wanted to know what the hell it was, and how to do it. safire directed me to a store here in nelson called still eagle that sold them. i later found out that the illusion sticks at still eagle were made by safire ;)

the pricing at still eagle is like no other i've ever seen. every item there has two prices on it, a high and a low. you decide what price you can afford and then pay that price (within the range on the price tag). i walked away with an illusion stick made by the lovely safire for $20.
i headed over to cottonwood falls to try out my illusion stick. by the time i reached there, the sky opened up and was just dumping rain! i found shelter at the cottonwood falls market where i ran into dreamweaver.

i had met dreamweaver in april at cottonwood falls. this guy is full on! anyone with a huge marijuana leaf tattooed on his forehead takes smoking weed very fukkin seriously. with the rain comin down, i had some time to kill, so i spent it puffin roots with dreamweaver and picking his brain.
as you'd guess, this guy really is from another dimension, and there's a brain behind that marijuana leaf on his head. he shared with me some of his philosophies on life, many of which resonated with me.
understanding appreciation is to find the balance between having and not having.
dreamweaver tunes into the force through yoga, and has even created his own language that he expresses through both sound and movement. his little sketchbook is full of thoughts, art, and alphabets of many languages, including arabic, hebrew, and his own.
i was honoured to hold dreamweaver's wand, which was a perfektly wand sized deer antler that split into two points. holy shit is it powerful to hold. makes sense, it was once attached to a living creature.
dreamweaver doesn't like his pikcha being taken, so i respekted his choice and refrained from snappin shots of him and the wand.
the sun broke through the clouds as i began reading the instructions for my newly purchased illusion stick. i'm not very good at it, but i know i'll get better. it sure does look kewl though, like i'm using the force to manipulate a vertical wand.
the heat of the sun attacked the cold of the earth, causing it to steam from the contakt.

i offered dreamweaver a sip of water from my nalgene, and he accepted. when i asked him if he had a water bottle, he told me that he didn't own one...so i randomly gifted him my red nalgene. he accepted, and then immediately began removing the stickers on it. there was a casi (canadian association of snowboarders) sticker on it and a plastikman sticker. dreamweaver doesn't like logos. i explained to him what the stickers were as he removed them. i'm sure that the next time i see him, the silk screened nalgene logo and anything else on the bottle will have beeen removed by him. enjoy the water bottle dreamweaver. it was gifted to me, and i'm happy to pay it forward.
with a break in the storm, i jumped on my bike and headed up rosemont hill. more like i walked my bike up rosemont hill...its too steep to ride up it.

i stopped off at jim's place to say hi, and got to play a game of command and conquer with his son duncan. this game is so old skewl! it was good to be reminded of the games that laid the foundation for the rts games we enjoy today. yay networked computers!
after my game with duncan, i held little emily in my arms for a few before heading home.

when i arrived home, my roommate had left a surprise in the fridge for me.

pizza with meat on it! mmm. it was leftover from a group meeting he was at earlier today. it was going to be thrown away, so he brought it home for me to eat. thanks sunny. i appreciate it...and i still think you're nucking futz!
takes one to know one.
p.s. thanks to the sponsorship of angels, i am officially flying home to celebrate my birthday with my krew in toronto. i can't wait to be back amongst friends i have loved for years. thank you! my ticket is booked and i'm landing in the big smoke on the 8th. thank you!
oh yah, happy birthday queen victoria!
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