big z's body dice game
thursday and friday, 5:00pm
contestants needed, male/female or any combination. roll the body dice and win a prize! stop by for a libation and test your skills at performance art! hosted by: the liver's end bar
photo by steve tinsky
randnorm mind grenade
What do you do with the mad that you feel
When you feel so mad you could bite?
When the whole wide world seems oh, so wrong...
And nothing you do seems very right?
What do you do? Do you punch a bag?
Do you pound some clay or some dough?
Do you round up friends for a game of tag?
Or see how fast you go?
It's great to be able to stop
When you've planned a thing that's wrong,
And be able to do something else instead
And think this song:
I can stop when I want to
Can stop when I wish
I can stop, stop, stop any time.
And what a good feeling to feel like this
And know that the feeling is really mine.
Know that there's something deep inside
That helps us become what we can.
For a girl can be someday a woman
And a boy can be someday a man.
- Mr.Rogers (R.I.P.)
randnorm pikcha

normdate 5.25.6
today was my last day volunteering at the nelson food cupboard, and it was a slow one. mardi gras was yesterday (welfare cheques come in), so it made sense that today would be slow. there is a such a different energy created when people have money, even if it only lasts for a short period of time. it really is mardi gras!

its been such a rewarding experience volunteering at the food cupboard. it has been there for me when i needed it, and i'm glad i can give back. its a flow of karma, a full circle. i've got to know so many people in this community thanks to the food cupboard and our daily bread (soup kitchen). its difficult to fellowship when you're hungry.
marya, the coordinator for the cupboard, gave me a chocolate cake to take with me. as i walked down ward street, i ran into my friend wings sitting in a converted veggie diesel school bus. i asked him if he wanted a chocolate cake, and the smile on his face was answer enough. mmmm...chocolate. yay randnorm gifting!

the veggie bus had just arrived from north carolina. it was way better than your average half sized school bus, it was a coool bus.

i headed back up to rosemont as i had told my friend lacy that i would drop by her place and give her a hand around the house. lacy lives just behind my place, and is a single mother to a beautiful 18month old boy named ariken.
as i neared lacy's place, a bit of graffiti on the sidewalk jumped out at me, and it made me smile.

lacy had hurt her shoulder and was taking pain killers to deal with the agony. that also meant that she could not pick up arikan, which is a big deal when a child wants so badly to be in the arms of his mother.
i played with ariken for about an hour before i attacked lacy's kitchen. 45minutes later, lacy's dishes were washed and the counters clear. it had been a goal of hers to get her kitchen clean, but being a single mommy means there isn't much time to do everything you want. it got me thinking about my mom, and how she raised three kids on her own while daddy was in the hospital sick. i have such a greater appreciation for the sacrifices my mom made for us, and how much hard work it took for her to raise us on her own. i love you mom.
once the kitchen was clean, i headed home and met my friend graham in ascalon city. yes, it was guild wars time and this was the first opportunity i had to meet a friend in this fantasy world.
using skype and headsets, graham and i were able to communicate with each other. it sounded like graham was sitting beside me. man, the quality of skype impresses me. download this app! and now you can call any phone (cel or land) in north america for free with skype! free long distance fukkin roolz! yay 0 cents a minute!
graham is such a geek, and his guild wars character, falon flamestrike, is a badass level 20 ranger. playing with someone who is clearly better than i am at this game, and with a character who is far superior to mine, was a lot of fun. i learned new techniques, and totally owned enemies! falon is a powerful allie.
falon gifted keiras mei a custom fire staff, the best staff money could buy. woohoo! even online friends are sponsoring me! even online i have no money ;) my fire skill level isn't even high enough to fully use the staff, so i've got a couple more hours and adventures to complete before i can truly wield the power of this weapon. thanks graham.

keiras mei is now an official guild member of the keirans of chaos [KoC]. i fight alongside warriors like falon flamestrike while wearing the cape and emblem of our guild. it feels good to be a guildy, now i've got to earn my keep.

i'm such a fukkin 933k.
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