noodles, fun, and drinks
monday - sunday, 7:35pm-10:35pm
sundown noodles, fortune cookies, conentrated liquid evil and entertainment. a blade runner atmosphere in the desert. (with more of the noodles and less shooting of the replicants.) hosted by: white dragon noodle bar @ 4:30 and fetish
photo by natalia velik
randnorm mind grenade
there are two kinds of people in this world, those who try to lift you up and those who try to pull you down. both of them are trying to bring you to their level. - unknown
randnorm pikcha

normdate 4.24.6
i met anke at the soup kitchen today. after a delicious meal we headed down to jonas and frederic's place (seems like i spend a lot of time with there people eh? ;). jonas was sick as a dog, so we stole frederic and headed towards pulpit rock on the north shore. we stopped off and grabbed some beers at the liqour store, and then headed across the b.o.b. (big orange bridge). it took us just over an hour to get to the bottom of the pulpit rock path. the sun was shining brightly and it was an incredible day for a hike.
frederic was hiking in his holy soles. who'd a thunk that a pair of sandles would be so effective when hiking a mountain?
this was my second trek up to pulpit rock. the hike isn't too difficult, its not an easy one either...but the payoff is worth it. the view from 906m above sea level is breathtaking. you can see all of nelson from up there.

we drank a few beers, spun some poi, and enjoyed one of the most beautiful views that nelson has to offer. its is so amazing that our eyes, so small, can see so much beauty...and to have such an incredible vantage point to enjoy it.
the hike down took less time than the hike up (of course)...personally, i prefer coming down a mountain on my board through powder, but i ain't complainin about this warm weather.
we hitched a ride back to town from the bottom of pulpit rock. it took us about 5 minutes to find a ride. hitching in this town is so easy. we ended up at lakeside park where we tossed a frisbee and watched the sun set.

on my walk home to rosemont, i came across a bike ditched on the side of the road. it had no back brakes, but it was still rideable. not being able to ride up such a steep incline, i walked the bike home. now i've got two wheeled transportation. i wonder how sketchy its going to be going down rosemont hill with only a front brake. i'll deal with that tomorrow.
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