our camp's last session of ambient, downtempo, and experimental electronic music this year! hosted by: camp 101 @ bi-polar and 7:30
photo by bob salpas
randnorm mind grenade
normal is something usually done. natural is how you are when you're not trying to be normal. - neale donald walsh conversing with god
normdate 4.23.6
after an incredible evening spent chilling with henna last night, i embraced a gorgeous sunny day by spinning some poi at cottonwood falls on my way home. it was there that i came across a dude named ryan (not his real name).
we chilled by the falls and smoked a bowl from his beautiful glass pipe. he had arrived in nelson a few days ago. his story blew me away.
ryan is from the states. last week he was pulled over by the cops. he had a pound and a half of marijuana in his trunk. after a police dog sniffed his car, the officer asked him to get out of the car so he could search it. after refusing to the search, ryan eventually got out of the car but strategically locked his keys in the car. the police searched him, found nothing, let him go but impounded his car. free, only temporarily, ryan packed up a backpack and a tent and hightailed it over the border...on foot! it took him three daze of trekking over the slekirk mountains of idaho before he was on canadian soil. the largest unguarded border in the world is just that, unguarded. the line between canada and america is a clear cut of trees 50 meters thick and the length of the country. all of the rumours of motion detectors and heat sensors along the border is just fear tactics.
i couldn't help but think of the rolling stone article on kid cannabis, a chubby pizza delivery boy from idaho who became a drug kingpin thanks to his insane treks across the idaho border to canada, more specifically nelson, to procure some of british columbia's largest export. the article is here, and is a great read.
Rumor had it that the town of Nelson had become a sort of hippie Shangri-La, a place where if it took you more than ten minutes to find someone to sell you a dime bag, there was a good chance you were already high.
bwahahah! no need to find a dime bag from a hippie, just go to the holy smoke and get the best nugs over the counter! of course that article didn't really go over very well with the local leaders of nelson. being known as a marijuana haven isn't necessarily the image a nice little town in the kutenais wants to be known for, or is it? here is the reaction article to the rolling stones story, also a good read.
nelson has always been known for the best weed, and ryan knew that this was the place to escape to. if you're reading this ryan, welcome to town brother. its different here in canada. all the best finding a job and place to live. its tough here, but if you stick it out you'll survive. ya think that maybe the authourities are looking at my blog searching for people escaping marijuana prosecution from the united states?
this pik has nothing to do with my day, but its fukkin hawt. enjoy.
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