donut dropoff
got donuts? drop em off. we're starving! some muffins and certain cakes also accepted. welcome home! hosted by: the gate!
photo by anthony peterson
randnorm mind grenade
only when one suffers do certain truths become evident, both of the galaxy and of the self. - darth traya
randnorm pikcha
normdate 4.25.6
hooray bike! riding down rosemont hill on my newly found bicycle was such a timesaver. not having a back brake wasn't too difficult of an obstacle to overcome, i just rode the brake all the way down the hill. the gears on it are fucked too, but whatever, free bike.
today was frederic's last day in nelson. he was leaving on the 5:20pm bus to vancouver. he is heading to hong kong on thursday.
anke, jonas, and i walked frederic to the bus station. i was having a hard time walking though. my ankle is really sore from all that hiking yesterday. this is the same ankle that's been giving me problems all season since i twisted it in jasper before coming to nelson. i just tightened up my boots something fierce and rode hard all season. i guess i'm paying for it now. *ouch*

jonas, frederic, and anke were some of the first people i met at the dancing bear inn when i arrived in nelson. if you're here in the winter time its for one reason only...powder. not much more goes on in this town during the winter season.

my winter was made possible by jonas and frederic. they drove my ass to the hill more times than not, and pushed my riding limits beyond anything i thought possible.

i've gotten to know jonas and frederic really well this past winter (evident from how many blog entries i have that include them).

thanks for making my winter season the best one of my life frederic. have fun exploring the world!

it was touching watching jonas say goodbye to frederic. i could really feel how sad jonas was bidding his good friend farewell as frederic boarded the bus.

after saying goodbye to frederic, jonas, anke, and i headed to lakeside park to, you guessed it, toss a frisbee and spin some poi. hey, those are two of my favourite pass times...and it doesn't cost any money!

the sunset behind elephant mountain is simply majik from lakeside park: excellent for taking pix of swedish people if you want them to look like jesus.

i dedided to stay around town and keep jonas company. this would be his first night alone in his place without frederic. we watched eli roth's hostel, a dark and disturbing movie about a remote and unknown hostel in slovakia that no one has heard of, and no one seems to ever return from. it was pretty disgusting and very well done. i was disturbed. czech da trailer here. thank god we watched the snowboarding documentary called first descent after. just finishing an incredible season of riding powder with jonas and frederic, it was good to see the world's greatest snowboarders shred untouched and never before ridden peaks in alaska. this movie is siiiick! terje is the fukkin man!
powder is life. everything else is just details.
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