jewish shamanic journey/meditation
using elements of jewish shamanic and mystical practice, we'll swim the seas of our psyches out beyond the edges of brc. meet at midnight or beyond the radial street nearest the camp shortly thereafter. hosted by: black rock jcc @ amnesia and 4:30
photo by lady bee
randnorm mind grenade
machines will never be able to give the thinking process a model of thought itself since machines are not mortal. what gives humans access to the symbolic domain of value and meaning is the fact that we die. - regis dubray
randnorm pikcha
photo by james porto
normdate 4.27.6
last night's reggae night at the rez avoir was, perhaps, the best reggae night i have experienced to date here in nelson. the people in this town are amazing, and the energy created by a group of beautiful souls dancing to reggae music is infectious.

having a full band this week (last week the lead singer and keyboard player were missing) made the music complete. the open mic brought out some incredible voices to add to the vibe, including the scintilating voice of the siren goddess safire j, the reggae vibes of a random dread, and the rhymes of a local lyricist.

it was my friend tammy's last reggae night in nelson as she is moving away to victoria this weekend. have a safe journey tammy! nelson (and i) will miss you.

it was also my friend henna's last reggae night, and she's moving to, you guessed it, victoria. there seems to be this huge connektion between the kutenais and the coast (sunshine coast and the islands). after spending time in both places i can understand my friend margonaut said "the veils are thinner on the coast". i've found the same to be true here in the koots.

henna is a radiant ocean temptress. i always looked forward to seeing her on wednesday nights, and i will miss dancing with her when she's gone. enjoy the coast henna. you are beautiful and strong.
last night was such a contrast to last week's reggae night. missing the lead singer and keyboard player made the music incomplete. add to that the dark vortex of energy that sucked so many people in, and you've got a wednesday that not too many people want to repeat. last night was the complete opposite. i walked up to rosemont with tammy singing aloud "cause there ain't nothing sweeter, than a hit of that home grown reefer...ah huh, ah yeah, alright." the koots roots all stars feed the vibration of the kutenai ko-kreation. respect.
after my volunteer shift today at the nelson food cupboard, i met up with jonas and anke at oso negro. the sun was shining so brightly and it was very warm, beautifully spring time warm.

the new patio at oso was finally open, giving us nelsonites more space to chill and enjoy the flavour of locally roasted java.

oso negro is to nelson what the black bull is to queen street...if you want to find someone on a warm day, you're most likely to find them here. my friend lori, the goddess who's van died in kelowna on our drive back from the coast, showed up to enjoy the sunshine and the patio of oso negro with us.

lori's little canada van is no more. the life of the van she called home for the past few years is kaput, according to the mechanic shop in kelowna. r.i.p. little canada van. thank you for bringing me safely to the coast.

the retirement of one van has given birth to a new van. my friend julia, of 324 beasley fame, showed up at oso more excited and elated than i had seen her in a long time. she had just finished her last exam of the year at the school of chinese medicine and had just insured her new vw bus. with the incredible weather, the feeling of satisfaction from completing a year at school, and a new bus, it only made sense that we celebrate at the beach.
julia's veedub bus is perhaps the most hippie bus i have ever seen, very appropriate for her and the kutenais.

when jonas isn't sitting shotgun, zwerg is julia's copilot.

goddam hippies *lol*
jonas, julia, myself, and kevin headed to redsands beach, a 7 minute drive away from downtown nelson. a little bit of a trek over the railway tracks and through some bush, we ended up in the beach clearing of redsands beach.

have i mentioned how nutz beautiful, gorgeous, and breathtaking this place is? a beach nestled at the bottom of mountains. just magnificent.

our friends ed, rhea, and pamela were already chillin on the beach by the time we arrived.
it didn't take long for our clothes to come off as we dove into the rather chilly water of lake kutenai. goddam nekkid hippies ;)

there was a fire pit made of rocks on the beach, so of course i had to take the opportunity to be a vitruvian norm. hey, when do i ever get the opportunity to be nekkid on a beach with a circle of rocks to surround me? hmm...maybe that's not a fair question ;)

jonas and i tossed around a frisbee barefoot on the beach for a bit before we all jumped into julia's hippie bus and headed back to town. swimming in april...schweet.
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