aaah, easter weekend. nothing like a long weekend thanks to a religious belief that i do not celebrate. last easter, i was on the sunshine coast for faeries and fools. and this easter, i would also celebrate on the sunshine coast but with the vancouver burning man community. it was the annual recompression held at the ymca camp on mt.elphinstone, and i was beyond stoked to be back on the coast again.
daezed, travis, jess, kale and i made up our krew of calgary burners, all tightly packed into a subaru wagon...with gear of course. our plan was to drive all night from calgary to b.c. and catch the first ferry from horseshoe bay to the sunshine coast on friday morning.
we stopped in revelstoke for dinner at the magpie and stump.
mmm...tex mex with good friends
the next stop on our journey was the mountain town of kamloops. it was about midnight when we rolled through, so we decided to grab a drink and explore the town for a bit.
the sign told us to boogie the bridge
so we decided to seek out this bridge
we boogied...sorta
not that satisfied with the bridge, we decided to find another place in town to boogie and ended up at the commodore.
this place was actually pretty fun, full of good lookin people and bumpin haus music!
after a cold drink and a little ass shakin', it was time to get back on the road again. but not before stopping for some random kamloop pix.
what the...?
we arrived in vancouver shortly after 5am on good friday. the first ferry to the sunshine coast wasn't scheduled to leave until 7:20, so i took over the wheel and drove us to jehrico beach in kitsilano. it sure felt good to be outside on a beach again...especially with a 40 of southern comfort and a flashflight frisbee!
even though it was ridiculously early, we drove by brett and laura's place to say hi. i knocked on their bedroom window brandishing a huge smile, and i was stoked to see that smile returned to me from brett and laura...even though i woke them up at 6am ;)
i couldn't stop in van without giving brett and laura a hug, and i was so glad we did. unfortuntely, by the time we reached the ferry dock, we had missed the 7:20am ferry, even though it was only 6:30am. i guess the ferry is a bit busier easter weekend. that was ok though, daezed, jess and i went and grabbed something to eat. it seems that the restaurant at the ferry was also ridiculously busy, so we used the time we had to wait for our table by spinning staff and poi by the waterfront.
hooray totem poles!
the ferry to the sunshine coast is just as beautiful as the free kootenay ay ferry, except that this ferry costs money. regardless, taking in the views of mountains and water is a majikal sight.
we arrived on the sunshine coast just after 10am and made the quick hop over to the ymca camp at mt.elphinstone. the last time i was at mt.elphinstone was for intention7, new years 2006. if there was a place where majikal creatures lived, danced, and frolicked, it would be in a rain forest on mt.elphinstone. the force is strong here...especially when its full of burners!
our theme cabin was ~*...fur and loafing...*~, a furtopian oasis of all things bunny. all who enter the majikal land of fur and loafing must first take the bunny oath: i freely and hoppily renounce my dirty stinking messed up carcass of failed and foibled humanity in order to evolve as a sentient furry being. i hereby come over the bunny side. i will hop. i will wiggle my tail. i will deliver colourful eggs to the masses and support a universal campaign of fluffy goodness and jellybeans for all. hooray! no carrots allowed.
we immediately started decorating our cabin, of course with boozeahol in our hands.
hooray bunnies!
smokey, a bunny who made the drive up from s.f. with his wife robyn.
bunnies are sexxy and unpredictable. our weekend was starting out perfektly.
our neighbour was the mint hotel.
wow. the weather was a beautiful 14degrees and sunny, such a contrast to the -10 and snowing that we left back in calgary.
goddess bunny jess spinning poi
the bunnification of the recomp had begun...mmmm, goddess bunnies *drool*
what i love most about burners is the creativty and radical self expression that they embrace, that we embrace.
boob cast anyone?
bunny kale!
lunch time! nothing like being in a room full of hungry dressed up burners.
bunnies everywhere...sexxxy ones *swoon*
the evening's talent show was full of creativity, music, and imagination.
bunny arlo!
kale and i are the canadian sales reps for glowfur, so we were rockin' the full on glow fur steez at the recomp, including glow bunny ears!
a goddess and three good lookin dredis
we spent our evening dancing and celebrating with some of the most open minded, creative, and beautifully costumed people. burners are good like that.
we were told at the gate to watch out for the klownz. our cabin was not far from the abstinent klown village, and they were a lively bunch.
fukkin klownz!
there were so many workshops going on all weekend it was difficult to decide which ones to attend.
belly dancing for beginners
i decided to do a little exploring. mt.elphinstone is breathtaking, and with a multitude of decorated burner theme camps, there was more than enough to explore...and fascinating people to meet!
the amerikkkan embassy where i got my official burner pasport photo taken and laminated!
super girls gone wild!
Last year we were just plain old Girls Gone Wild. We have matured. Now we are Girls Gone SUPER Wild. Boys are welcome to visit but beware....we have plans for those who dare to enter. We will be your heros. We are able to leap tall buildings in a single bound and we are faster than speeding bullets. We will save all of you from the scary flying monkeys, evil empires, klownes, Arabians and even Good ol Santa Klaws!
i spent some me time down by the water surrounded by the beautiful coastal mountains. it was a perfekt opportunity for me to tune into the prana of the sunshine coast and spin staff.
being made of mostly water, it makes sense that we feel most comfortable when we are near bodies of water.
its made even better when a lone musician plays the rhythm of life on the shores of the lake.
santa was rampaging at lunch, so i changed into my second outfit for the day...the bunnified last santurai.
MERRY CLITORIS! suck it bitches, you've been naughty.
have you ever seen anything more wrong than a jesus on the cross dildo?
jesus is cumming! get a towel!
naughty orrificer, the last santurai, and little woo
roundin' up the santas
lunchtime santa rampage
and what's a burning man event without fire? remember kids, safety third!
spinning staff by the water was so good for my soul, i found myself back there again.
with the santa goddess sabine *swoon*
sabine and i decided to go to the beginner bondage workshop together. exploring the joys of rope with a goddess like sabine made my afternoon even more memorable. ain't nuthin like being tied up by a radiant goddess.
i couldn't wait to apply my newly found rope knowledge, but that would have to wait until after dinner.
the evening's festivities were kicked off with a conclave of fire and the burning of the man. i was honoured to be a part of the fire conclave spinning fire poi. fire is so sexxxy.
i wielded flames and danced with other very talented fire performers as the van burners made their way to the man. the fire fingers and fire hoops began the burn ritual.
fire poi was next, and then fire staff. i was to spin fire poi with the fire staff troop as i didn't have a fire staff to spin...until a few minutes before we were to perform. a fire staff made its way to my hands. i was sooo stoked. i had never lit up a fire staff before in my life, yet alone in front of a large group. i was scared and excited. i enjoy doing staff stalls, but with it on fire i had to be much more careful...setting myself on fire would suck! what better place to light up for the first time than with burners, just before te burning of the man. i'll never forget it. thank you to the fire god for letting me use your staff.
the man
the man is well hung
lit up by fire breathers
as the van burners looked on
the man burned
the burn ignited an incredible evening of celebration and debauchery. holy shit, burners know how to party. it was hella fun!
coming out of the bathroom, jess and i ran into our fellow bunnies smokey and robyn. robyn said to us "i'm too high to fuck my husband, would you mind fucking him for me?" i asked smokey "are you into guys?" to which he replied "no, not really". i guess i wasn't of much help to them.
fukkin burners!
camp s.e.x. (sacred energy eXchange)
Focusing on commUnity SEXual energy and practice: bliss - intention - healing - discovery - ecstacy - consciousness. Essentially, this is a space for Conscious Co-Fuckery, to worship and be worshipped, Mind-Full, Heart-Full... Bring your Lover for a visit, and share/show your S.E.X.Practice, feel/watch others', BE a natural SEXual creature, CELLebrate our Primal Kosmic Energy!
We also be sharing/exploring on this topic in a guided roundtable/workshop∞, yay!!! Love-and-Bliss,
lets just say i didn't sleep much saturday night. thank god i wasn't driving home on sunday. we cleaned up our camp, left no trace, and said goodbye to our newly found vancouver burning man family.
what a fantastic and marvelous weekend of creativity, imagination, and tom foolery. burners never cease to amaze me. thank you to all of the wonderful people who made the recompression possible. bigups to our fur an loafing crew, kale, daezed, jess, cherok, arlo, smokey, robyn, sir luke and madame fif. i will definitely be back again next year.
the drive home took 13hours. holy shit my ass hurt, but not enough to prevent me from sleeping the whole way home ;) i can pretty much sleep anywhere. thank goodness i had monday off of work to recover from such an intesne weekend.
if you've actually read this entire blog entry, thanks for following my life. i hope it took you less time to read it than it tooke me to type it.
love, light and blissings
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