astropups: pupy heaven
open for travelers ready to dream away those dusty trails. scientists will be on hand to prescribe the right medicine to get you ready for the night. dream catchers will be returning with the dreams they caught and sharing their stories with everyone. hosted by: astropups psychedelicatessen @ 7:30 and catharsis
photo by dan coplan
randnorm mind grenade
i wish i had a kryptonite cross, because then you could keep both dracula AND superman away. - jack handey
randnorm pikcha
normdate 8.5.6
i met up with jaqui, christina and her friend at zelda's last night for dinner. i love zelda's. i love these girlz.

my brother randnormly gifted me his old canon powershot g3 digital camera (thanks dood, you rawk!) so now i have a new toy to capture the world with. tonight was the first night i got to play with my new toy, so bear with me as i'm gettin used to all of the new fandangled settings. goodbye point and shoot...hello manual adjusty thingies ;)

christina's friend eric showed up at zelda's. i was glad to say goodbye to him. he is so fabulous (and his bf's name is also norm).

i left zelda's and headed to the library, the upstairs patio of the imperial pub on dundas, for my going away party. i'm gonna miss zelda's.

i randnormly ran into my friend tim before hitting the library, and he accompanied me to the patio. he asked me if i had only invited women to my going away party as the only people there were radiant goddesses. teehee, i keep some beautiful people in my life.

as the evening progressed, more people showed up (including boyz), and we proceeded to get shmammered.

our krew included a good number of toronto burnerz too. t.o. burnerz are good shit, and i can't wait to celebrate with them again at home in black rock city.

amazon, i can't believe you aren't going to the burn this year. you will be missed!
by the time last call hit i was fukkin anihilated. goddam booze! next stop was a free randnorm jungle party underneath a bridge at bathurst and front street. gawd i love toronto.
i jumped into a cab with mark, baby g, and my friend jess and headed to the party. we had to cross yonge street, which was crazy busy thanks to caribana celebrations. yes, this weekend toronto turns into one big hip hop video.

the party was bumpin, and underneath a bridge...a bridge for gawd's sake! i was pretty annihilated, so i wasn't in the most dancing of moods. christina showed up right as the party was ending, so jess, christina and i jumped on the bathurst blue light special bus and headed north.
at bloor street we parted ways. thanks for celebrating my last friday night in toronto jess! then it was time to goodbye to christina. i have had the best summer of my life, and spending time with christina was one of the reasons why. i love you christina, and words cannot describe how much i'm going to miss you when i'm gone.
as i held christina in my arms, she whispered in my ear "i love you to death and beyond." we shared one last kiss and then parted ways.
i woke up this morning at my sister's place with the biggest hangover. holy shit alcohol is a fucked up drug. i sluggishly packed up my things and headed to the subway. thank you thalia for everything, for opening up your home to me, for feeding me, for putting up with my shit. i'm going to miss you when i'm gone.
i met up with some friend's of my mom at scarborough town center who drove me to whitby where my mom was holding her birthday celebrations and food fiesta. holy shit there were a lot of people there, and even more food! and here i thought i knew a lot of people.

music was provided by a talented steel drum player.

did i mention how much food there was?

when it comes to celebrations, my mom don't joke! HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOM! i'm so glad i was able to celebrate your birthday with you.
thalia was heading back to toronto, so i said my goodbyes. i really do love my sister. we get along pretty well, despite our differences. we get silly together, understand each other's ridonculous nuances, and laugh a lot together. i'm going to miss you thalia. perhaps i'll see you in calgary when you're there for kevin's wedding.
the party ended around 7pm, so i helped my mom clean up the house and then passed out. daam this hangover kicked the shit out of me.
thanks to everyone who made it out last night for my going away party. i'm going to miss you guys somethin fierce when i'm gone.
lively up yours'elf
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