crawl of the dead: night of the living zombie bastards
when there's no room left in hell, the dead will walk the playa. rise ye dead bastards and join us for a bloody mary, followed by a bloody rampage. hosted by: quixote's cabaret club & bar in avalon synapse station @ 7:30 and catharsis
photo by waldemar horwat
randnorm mind grenade
respect yourself and others will respect you. - confucius
randnorm pikcha
normdate 7.8.6
i didn't sleep last night as i packed up my life into two bags, again. seems like i did this in december, but at least then i had more of a long term plan. the votes are in and i'm heading to calgary, which is awesome because there are some incredible people i can't wait to see there.
bigups to my boy fred for making this trip out west possible. you rool fred! i can't wait to thank you in person.
my mom dropped me off at the airport this morning bright and early. thanks for everything mom.

once on the plane, i immediately passed out, which made the 4hour flight seem like a small nap to me.
kristin was waiting for me at the airport. it was so good to see her, and she was happy to see me. i am blessed having you in my life kristin, and i'm so excited to know that we are going to shambhala together!
it was so good cruisin around calgary with kristin. i didn't know calgary had a kensington area too.

we took kristin's dog, kuma, for a walk at nosehill park

and then i passed out at kristin's place. i'm glad to be back here in calgary. i'm glad to be here with kristin. elsbeth and erin arrive tomorrow too. i'm so stoked.
thanks to all of you who voted to send me here. its good to have you as an active part of my life.
life is beautiful
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