god's bitches
monday - sunday @ dusk
each night at dusk roving whores will ferry the faithful toward the temple seeking the redemption that only a templewhore can offer. hosted by: templewhore @ fetish and 4:30
photo by jon ross
randnorm mind grenade
a wise man once said nothing - anonymous
normdate 4.10.6
owen came by early this morning to begin our last monday nelson adventure together. owen's time here in nelson is coming to an end. this weekend he is heading to the sunshine coast for faeries and fools, the most incredible costume carnival and dance party on the magical land of crystal creek at the foot of the most diverse mushroom forest in north america, mount elphinstone. i would love to go to the coast, but i don't have enough cash to make the journey. that's alright though, whitewater is opening up for four final daze of riding next weekend, so i'll just shred hard for one last time.
we headed over to andrea's place to pay her a visit, and meet her new baby boy. it was great to return to the place where owen and i called home for half of this winter. it was even more exciting to meet abilash, andrea and akkal's new baby boy. abilash is nepalese for "blessing".

contrary to andrea claiming that abilash was being the most grumpy he has ever been since he was born, this baby boy was quiet and well behaved. he was born into a home full of love. the mobile above his head is adorned with ornaments made by those of us that love andrea and akkal.

holding abilash was an incredible feeling. he is so small, so precious, such a treasure that needs protection, nurturing, and love. i couldn't help but remember what my friend lindsay said about her baby: there is no more beautiful a physical expression of love than a child.

this is the family pikcha that andrea, akkal, and abilash sent out to everyone. i think the expression on akkal's face says it all...

after the lunch, owen and i headed over to cottonwood falls.

owen was enjoying his newly gifted flute.

the sign outside the ford dealership screamed to be photochopped...

apres photochop...

almost all the snow and ice had melted at the falls, and the water was rushing down with incredible power.

i love chillin by the falls. hearing the water rush by me is therapeutic, it is zen. it is a reminder to me that the universe is always in motion.
i'm going to miss hanging with owen. his company made my winter here so memorable.
owen really wanted me to experience faeries and fools, and recognizing that i can't afford to go, he offered to sponsor my trip to the coast. so now it looks like i'm heading to the coast next weekend. thank you owen for making it possible.

time to start planning my outfit, and making our idea of creating a safe place to enjoy the endless joys of kissing at the party a reality. teehee!

what do you mean you've never heard of this tea? its super well known! *lol*
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