sunday gospel music service
bring your tambourine, your hallelujah's, your voice, and your dancing shoes. an ecumenical/spiritual sermon will follow. glide ensemble, oakland interfaith gospel choir and singers from brc! hosted by: brc performance center
photo by anthony peterson
randnorm mind grenade
if you are going to doubt something, doubt your limits - anonymous
more mind grenades here
normdate 4.9.6
to our surprise there was 10cm of beautiful new snow covering all of whitewater this morning. powder day in april! and no lineups...another reminder why this place is the best in the world.

i didn't think i'd be making fresh tracks in april, especially seeing as it was raining yesterday afternoon, shattering my season saying of "if its raining in town, its snowing at whitewater."
before norm...

after norm...

it was still warm enough to ride without a jacket on...and it was beach weekend, so shorts were in order too ;)

the slush from yesterday was now covered in a beautifully soft layer of snow, making it less sticky and very forgiving.

with frederic's camera, i decided to do a little action filming. this is me riding down motherload at whitewater. extreme!
the costumes for beach weekend were still out in full force, despite the overcast weather (and powder). two of the jewish variety, the other of the chinese variety.

and our prayers from the day before were answered...girls riding in bikins *drool*

thanks to my friend kiera, i was also able to join in on the bikini fun.

i know, i know...a red kung fu top with a pink bikini top is a fashion faux pas, but sometimes i shatter the norm ;)
at 2pm, everyone gathered at the bottom of motherload for the annual whitewater slush cup: attempt to ski/ride across a pool of freezing cold water. the crowd was dressed and ready to watch 30 brave souls attempt to cross the frozen whitewater pool.

did i mention how many kids there are in nelson and at whitewater? lots of babies, and mothers taking turns watching each other's children while they go make some runs. community.

given the amount of space to ride up to the pool, no one was able to get enough speed to cross it...good thing there was someone to pull you out in the (guaranteed) event that you fall.

there were a few brave souls who had the brilliant idea to hike up the run and get more speed. they were rewarded with a successful crossing.
a snowboarder earns his bragging rights here.
a skier makes failure look fun.
the jump at the start of the pool, though not necessary, was so much least it was fun watching people fly off of it. i watched people pull backflips, or attempt to, and a badass 540 rodeo. the caliber of riders here is siiiick!
i watched a guy pull a front flip crossing a cat track! nucking futz!
the band playing in the lodge today was a woman singing with a guitarist, drummer, and bassist. they were pretty good, but not as fun as the 5 piece marimba band they had here yesterday. today's band didn't really make me want to stay and dance, so after a quick rest in the lodge we ended our beach weekend extravaganze at whitewater.
today might very well have been the last time i ride this season. whitewater is open next weekend from friday to monday (yay easter), but i'm going to see if i can make enough money to go to the sunshine coast for the fairies and fools festival. if i can't afford to go, i'll just ride for four daze...either way, i win!
this is the difference 1000m in elevation can do for snow conditions:
whitewater this morning

rosemont hill, nelson, after an epic day of spring riding

if today was my last day of riding, there is no doubt in my mind that this is the best place in the world to ride, and i rode it hard!
EXTREME is my default setting.
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