better red than dead
want a little fire, scarecrow? nancy adds temporary red colour to your hair. clean hair preferred. blonde, or previously lightened hair will always absorb best. hosted by: nancy's army of red headz
photo by brian frazier
randnorm mind grenade
knowledge is just opinion that you trust enough to act upon. - han fei tzu
randnorm pikcha
normdate 5.4.6
last night, jonas picked me up in anke's new car (jonas' old car) and we headed down to the lakeside beach to watch the sun set and spin some poi. jonas is gettin much better at spinning poi as he learns to relax more, to breathe, to flow. poi is such zen, its tuning into the force, and dancing with it.
it makes me happy to know that i've gotten jonas and anke also addikted to spinning poi. the excitement on their faces as they become comfortable with new movements is awesome. movement is a language, and some have a wider vocabulary than others.

i'm lovin the staff too. spinning staff is such an ancient art of movement and flow. i tried attaching the glowing light sticks to the staff to see what it would look like at night...the results were quite kewl.

i also had my flashflight disc with me, so the darkness was not an obstacle for us enjoying our favourite beach pass times.
we headed back to the dancing bear to grab anke after she finished her work shift. it was reggae night, so there is only one place to be in all of canada on a wednesday...the rez avoir. jonas was super tired, so he decided to stay in, but not before he randomly gifted me a sacred wooden bead necklace he received at a vipassna retreat. no one else is allowed to touch this necklace besides its owner. jonas gifted it to me, but placed it into my old poi bag for safe keeping until i reach my vipassna retreat this summer. then i can touch the necklace, and it will then belong to me. thank you jonas. you will be there with me when i begin the life changing journey into my inner universe of s'elf.
reggae night at the rez. what can i say? this night is the best weekly club night i have ever experienced. solid reggae riddims played by a live band right there on the dance floor, and nothin but the best lovers of reggae to dance with. who could ask for anything more?
i heard someone call a dread (who is often aggressive and tough to be around) an impostafari last night. ooh, that's a mean one...but i have to admit the name does suit him at times.
it was henna's last night (just like last week wednesday) for real last night. daam this girl is foine! dancin with her to solid reggae music was a perfekt way for me to celebrate her last night here in town. enjoy the coast henna.
today i volunteered at the food cupboard. near the end of my shift, the hippie i came across at crystal creek a few weeks ago came in. i rekognized him and said "hello hot white feather". i told him how i had shared the knowledge of the hopi shaman greeting with many others, and thanked him for sharing it with me that day on the mountain.

that began a gaialogue between us that expanded our collective consciousness, increased our awareness, and put smiles of understanding on our faces. he shared with me how the name hot white feather was given to him, and i shared with him my mantras on life.

do good whenever it is in your power to do good. if you can't do good, at least do no harm.
it was incredible to fellowship with an elder of such power and wisdom. hot white feather is full on hippie, and has been for decades. from stories about meeting bob marley at a concert in 1971 to chewing on roots the expand awareness, hot white feather shared his wisdom with me, and i shared my wisdom with him. to be able to satsang with an elder like hot white feather was an honour.
every man do his ting a likkle way diffrent.
i asked him how he described our meeting at crystal creek to others. who is norm to you hot white feather?
he described me as a cosmik kat who could see auras, and our meeting was a connektion of wisdom and awareness.
blessings to you hot white feather. thank you for opening my eyes to new fnorms. i am honoured to have made your world larger, lovlier, and more mysterious too.
basking in the afterglow of fellowship with the wise, i headed to oso negro to enjoy the sunshine and their newly opened patio. yes, oso on a beautiful day is the place to be here in nelson. i ran into so many people, so many goddesses with their children, so many smiling faces...and some not so smiley.

i left oso just after 4pm and headed towards the dancing bear to see anke. on my way there i met a guy named terry. he had everything he owned currently on his back, which left his hands free to hold the joint he was carrying. he asked if i smoked weed to which i replied "more than a little bit". i just love that we can smoke anywhere we want in nelson, and you can buy weed over the counter. this place is an anormaly.
i stopped in to say hi to anke before terry and i headed to cottonwood falls to chill and, you guessed it, spin some poi.

terry had just gotten out of jail and was hitching back home to calgary. wow, i meet the most interesting people and seem to create a safe environment that encourages people to be themselves around me. from hippie elders to released criminals, there is light in everyone.

i sent terry to the hitching spot, and assured him that finding a ride to calgary would be easy. if there ever was a place where hitching a ride was as easy as buying weed in a store, its here. nelson is normtopia. oh yah, don't tell anyone ;)
i went back to the dancing bear inn to grab my bike. there i met two swiss girls, keim and natalie. anke asked me to show them how i spin poi. i brought them back to cottonwood falls and shared with them my passion for spinning. then i got them to try it out, and wouldn't ya know it, they loved it. they loved it so much that they gave me money and tomorrow i'm going to make them their own poi so they can spin whenever they want. maybe i should start making poi and selling them...hmmm.

speaking of which my friend bethany is moving to nelson next week. she is a goddess from toronto that it also a brilliant poi spinner. i can't wait to see her, share with her what new knowledge i have with poi, and learn from her. she's also bringing me a set of fire poi. i can't wait to have my own fire poi.

as i walked my bike through the junction on my way to rosemont hill, the universe conspired to remind me how powerful and mysterious it is. i found a white feather on the path i was walking on. of course i did.

it fits perfektly on the end of my staff. my staff has new energy flowing through it, charged up with the wisdom of a hot white feather.
goddam hippies ;)
may the 4th be with you. *smacks myself in the face for being punny*
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