fallopian tube swim team
an evening of frolicking, swimming from vagina to vagina, fertilizing parties, and jizzing people(?!?). the first 50 people get a ftst uniform to decorate. cum dressed in white. the team leaves at 6:30pm. hosted by: f.u.c.k. camp @ fetish and 5:20
randnorm mind grenade
i'd rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy. - tom waits
randnorm pikcha

normdate 5.9.6
last night my friend bethany arrived in town from penticton with her partner jeff. nelson is their new home. they came by my place to pick me up and we headed down to cottonwood falls to spin fire...bethany had brought me my first set of fire poi. i was so excited to spin.

bethany, myself, and chantal at dark rave in toronto
we stopped by mckayla's place first and grabbed some fuel. mckayla's father ivan was visiting, and i was honoured to meet the man who sired such a radiant fire goddess as mckayla. after introducing myself, i shared with ivan the hopi shaman greeting taught to me by hot white feather. ivan smiled and said that, while familiar with the greeting, this was the first time someone had greeted him in such an intimate way.
excited by the possibility of spinning fire, mckayla left her father at home and joined us at cottonwood falls. she brought her fire staff with her. fire is an addiktion, for those who know how to wield it.

goddam fire is sexxy to watch...and even sexxier to wield. just hearing it burn around you is a rush. these are the first pix of me spinning fire, and with my new fire poi!

bethany joined us with her fire poi: three fire pixies dancing with fire is a beautiful sight.

bethany also had some l.e.d. poi, so anke was able to spin with us without the possiblity of setting herself on fire. setting yourself on fire sucks.

welcome to nelson bethany and jeff. and thank you for bringing me my first set of fire poi. they will be loved dearly.

anke and jonas picked my up this morning bright and early. it was a beautiful spring day, the sun shining brightly. it was a perfekt day to go riding! the 20minute drive to whitewater was full of excitement and anticipation. three snow addiktz in a car heading to the mountain to make fresh tracks in may...awesome.

who closes a ski hill with that much snow left? zero bare spots, tonnes of snow, and just us.
as we geared up, another group of snow addikts parked beside us and suited up for a gorgeous day of hiking and fresh tracks. we didn't mind sharing the mountains with three other enthusiasts.

we hiked up bonanza on the summit side. i love this run, when i come down it. going up it is another story. good thing i had my ipod with me pumpin out some beatz. the fort knox five's latest mix kept me company as i trekked up the mountain in the bright and warm may sunshine. this mix is perhaps the best mix of all time..seriously. i know, that's a pretty big claim...download it and see for yourself. it owns!

jonas offered to carry my backpack and snowboard. he said he could use the workout. i wasn't going to complain. less weight on my back makes the hike up much easier. snowshoes are great, but you're still walking up a mountain. skins and skiis are the much better option.

holy shit walking up a mountain covered in snow is a challenge, but after a season of walking up mountains i was happy to have the strength and endurance to meet the challenge. and when you've got untouched snow as your reward, the hike is worth it.

almost there...

tired and exhausted, jonas and i decided to take a rest at the peak while anke made a run.

randnorm snippet from the top of a mountain...11:26am

right meow i am sitting at the top of motherlode looking out at the joker line. anke is 50ft below me hiking up.

jomas and i decided to sit out the first run and chill up here on the mountain. the sun is shining so brightly, radiating light and warmth as it burns incessantly at the center of our galaxy.
i wonder if we're the first ones to throw a frisbee up here? meh, its fun either way.

i'm suntanning on top of a mountain in may, preparing to ride down in shorts and a t-shirt. there are always fresh tracks to be made here at whitewater, if you're willing to walk to it. as i stop, take a breath and look around me, life ain't so bad right meow.

it took us an hour to hike up here. this mountain feels like its ours...it is ours. there is no one else around. who knows where the other three people are. right meow, its just us.

i decided to toss the frisbee as far as i could down the hill. the drop in elevation helped it fly super far...about 200m! then it slid down the hill another 300m. i'm going to pick up the disc on my way down.

i think i'm going to hit this jump over there. yah, i'm totally going to hit it. but first i'm going to spin some poi.

hello! (hello! hello!)
that's my echo
everything ain't better when you're livin in the city.
let's ride.

there's no high like fresh tacks. the snow was spring like, so sticky and not very fast. but that didn't matter, we were making fresh tracks in may! its better than sex...but only by a little bit.
now the shitty part. being the stoners we are, finding a white frisbee on white snow proved to be a bit more difficult that we thought. needless to say, my frisbee is gone :( so much for my toronto ultimate club disc. we've had some good times together frisbee. i miss you :( at least your last throw was fukkin epic!

we hiked back up to the top of the summit side for our last run down bonanza. i was a bit upset about my frisbee going awol...ok, i was more than upset. hey, what can you do?
crusing down bonanza, i was able to hit three jumps. i love the feeling of being in the air. it makes me feel like a bird, if only for a few brief seconds. when i'm in control of myself in the air, i can grab my board and tweak out airs...japan airs being my favourite.

i cruised through the trees over to motherlode to make a last attempt at finding my frisbee. i wasn't successful :( but i did make two runs in may on a snow covered mountain, so all was not lost.

anke made it all better by taking her top off, posing on top of her car and letting me take a pik. i love you anke. nice tits :p

still riding the high from her three runs, anke decided to leave even more tracks in the parking lot.

germans are kraaaaazy! gawd i love em.

within 20minutes we were sitting on the redfish grill patio on baker street enjoying an apres riding beverage. i was still in my snowpants and boots (put on my pants for my second run as it was gettin a bit chillier). people were lookin at me funny as i was a bit overdressed for the warm spring sun that was blessing downtown nelson. meh, i expect people to look at me funny...i ain't your average dude \m/^_^\m/

it sure does feel like spring in this little town...

we made a quick stop at the dancing bear to pick up anke's car...had to take a pikcha of the time ;)

spring time riding fukkin roolz! thanks anke and jonas. we're fukkin hardcore!
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