fags over 4-tea
fags over 40 and their friends, join us for an afternoon tea social. enjoy cooling refreshments and fun & games with other grownups. younger friends welcome, especially if they're willing to serve those cooling refreshments. hosted by comfort & joy @ 7:30 and ego
photo by steve schwartz
randnorm mind grenade
obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goal. – henry ford.
randnorm pikcha

there's no place like om
normdate 5.12.6
today's cloudy weather and rain was the reason for the cancellation of tonight's beltane full moon celebrations at taghum beach. rain doesn't make for the best beach weather, and you can't really see the moon through clouds.
but as we all know the universe can surprise you. by 6pm the cloud dragons had retreated leaving behind the fire of sunshine. the celebrations were back on.
jim had decided to stay another night in town, so he came to pick me up and we headed to taghum beach (about 10mins outside of nelson).

the sun was just setting when we arrived. there was a sacred circle created around a fire with four directions/four elements represented by a woman sitting in a chair and a man standing behind her.

there was a belly dancing troop of goddesses dancing around the fire in celebration of beltane and the coming full moon.

the rhythm was provided by two drums, a didgeridoo, and the voice of the siren jemma luna.

there is something majikal, entrancing, and down right sexxy watching goddesses shake their bellies to rhythm. the roots of exotic dance.

as the sun disappeared behind the mountains, so did the warmth that it brought. the fire was the only source of heat, and we all moved closer to its burning flames.

to make the flames burn higher, we need another log for the fire.
surrounding the fire, the goddess flora led us on our journey to the temple of song. we chanted, we sang, we harmonized.
as we warmed our bodies and souls by the fire in celebration of bletane and the full moon, a beautiful japanese goddess named yukiko (hi will) approaced me and said that she had seen my blog while searching for information on crystal creek. she had tried to leave a comment but did not have a blogger username and password. aren't there anonymous posts allowed?
i told her that i much prefer lookin in the eyes of the person leaving me a comment, and thanked her for introducing herself. whoah...i guess my blog reaches more people than i think. if you're reading this yukiko, thank you for introducing yourself to me. it was good to meet you.

searching nelson+crystal+creek on google brings up my tribe.net profile on the second page, more specifically an excerpt from a blog entry.
it was time for robin and i to heat things up on the beach. our fire poi had been soaking in fuel for a few minutes and were ready to burn. its so good to be around skilled fire spinners, to see them attack the sky with movements and fire, and learn from them.

my repetoire of poi movements is still limited, but i've learned to connect them and be comfortable enough with those movements to not set myself on fire. after getting some tips from rob, he told me that i look more like a staff spinner. i do love staff, almost more than poi. i just love spinning.
tara, the beautiful soul i met the week before at the valhalla, showed up at the beach. the chanting and belly dancing were done, but there were still a few of us warming ourselves by the fire and playing frisbee. i'm glad that the frisbee i still have left is one that lights up at night. darkness is no longer an obstacle for tossing a disc. genius!

my friend rachel showed up and shared her fears with us around the fire. she lives about a 5minute drive from taghum beach in a beautiful solar powered cabin. problem is, there is a bear that seems to like hanging around her place too. she's made sure that there is no garbage or food left outside, but the bear continues to hang out on her porch, sratching at the door even. being there all alone with a bear outside makes it hard for her to relax. so she was heading into nelson to stay at a friend's place and decided to stop by the beach on the way. fukkin bears!

it was almost midnight, so i said my goodbyes and jim drove me home. tara, i'm glad i got to see you before you leave for vancouver. rachel, beware of bears.
i arrived home to the overwhelming smell of smoke, most likely from a burnt pot on the stove. i noticed my roommate in his room watchin tv with headphones on. he's left a pot on the stove a few times before, which set off the fire alarm, so the smell isn't all that new to me here...but the eviction notice on the front door sure was. it read:
10:05 pm smoke detecotr was ringing in apt. tenant could not be roused with banging on door - entered suite found pot burning on stove - tenant semi conscious. landlord called the ambulance who discovered mr.newson had 10oz vodka + meds. mr.newson was taken to the hospital to get checked out. the window and hallway fans were opened and started to rid the suite and hallway of smoke.
whoah! good thing no one was hurt...and i'm outta here in june. my roommate is a peculiar one...and lucky to be alive.

no question is a dumb question!
(and yeah, it looks VERY VERY cool to see someone skilled at spinning a staff of fire!)
Dood... what's with your roomate... that note on the door is just whack.
There are semi-anon comments but you still need an account. There are no "Guest" comments on Blooger and you don't want them either cuz folks (in the day) wrote splogger bots (spam+blog+splog). They can still do it if you turn off word verification.
You could do it but without blogger via a phpBB blog... better integration with your forum/drediknight site.
hippielalah, there is fire staff as well as fire poi. czech out my blog entry for ~*...fire and first tracks in may...*~.
my friend mckayla is spinning a fire staff. you should definitely get yourself a set of poi and start spinning. it really is addictive.
yah will, my roommate is out there. he often yells shit at the television. i had to write down what he yelled the other day cause it was so out there. he said "i've seen dead bodies in dumpsters in the back alleys of montreal with bigger smiles on their faces than the chemo assholes!" dude, what the fuck?
looks like anonymous posts work as long as i can verify that word. hmmmm...uufba! uufba! uufba!
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