the snow is worth it though. knee high powder on the north face, harder packed on the south because of the intense sun that has been gracing nelson for the past week. i wasn't complaining though. beautiful sunshine beating down on you as you hike up a mountain peak in february!

i spent the day with two swedish skiers that i had met at the dancing bear inn, jonas and frederick. these guys were a lot of fun to ride with. one was on skiis, the other on telemark skiis.

imagine riding down that, and then having to hike back up! nucking futz...but soooo worth it. without snowshoes, the trek back up took 90minutes as we zigzagged our way back up to the peak.

then we trekked up to the peak behind me here...another 25minutes. then we rode down this 44degree mountain face:

we started at the top left by the trees, and rode down through the bowl. heaven it was, steep heaven!

hearing your voice echo off of mountains is like nothing else i've ever experienced. riding pure powder after hiking to it is the the purist high, and i now know what it feels like. the satisfaction of hiking to the top of a mountain and then riding down it is overwhelming and incredible. its pure.

whitewater lived up to its slogan again: simple. pure. real...deep!

next purchase...snowshoes!
i was supposed to attend a free goa trance party last night, but i was in bed by 6:30pm. i woke up this morning. yah, hiking that much really took its toll on me.
this afternoon i'm hiking up to the crystal creek. yes, it is exactly that...a creek with crytals in it. i'jm so excited. i wish my ipod worked so i could listen to beatz :(
Glad to hear your enjoying Nelson and the splendors called WH20! I wish I had known you were out there, (its djazonic from tribe) as I was out there from Jan 18th - Feb 02, 2006... (when it snowed like 20+ for 5 days strait)...
Have you had the chance to ride the backside or shortside yet? KILLER TERRAIN...
If you looking for some people to ride with, one of the the guest services people is my GF's sister, her name is Christel and she's probably checked your pass... ask her to point out her BF Bones... he and his buddies are killer to ride with... Or if you see a Japanese guy named Shun (spell?) who is living in a Black van for the winter, follow him... Or you could look for a couple of guys in green patagonia jackets, named Ben and Ryan... follow them to the mad pow and terrain... 3+ winters out there with 80+ days each year... mad skillz..
anyways email me.. ryan.loiselle at azonicnet.com
thanks ryan. i'm heading up to whitewater tomorrow. i'll make sure to say hi to christel. i have said hi to her before
(its the spelling of her name), but now our interactions will have more meaning thanks to you.
pese brother...and thanks for reading my blog.
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