hearing erin's voice today warmed my heart and made me want so badly to be near her.
i just got off the phone with christina, and i'm experiencing my usual after christina conversation high.
i don't even question how its possible for two women to have my heart, it just is. spend some time with them and you'll understand why. i can't wait for you two to meet. it will be majik.
i love you erin. you blow my mind and rawk my world.
i love you christina. thank you for reminding me that i am perfekt.
...and i awoke, and faintly bouncing 'round the room was the echo of whomever spoke.
i love you...and its not because hallmark told me to say it.
i also received a package today from my friend alex in toronto. i started a thread on tribe two weeks ago about nalgene bottles, and how i lost mine in jasper. alex saw my post and offered to replace my lost nalgene. he did more than just replace it, he went overboard. the package included four boxes of granola bars, advil liquid gel caps, an edge sharpener, an adventure towel (to wipe down my board), kung pao chicken (the freeze dried kind), a sticker, chocolate kisses, three dvds full of essential mixes, and a brand new red nalgene bottle. dude, i can't thank you enough. thank you for thinking of me. its good to know i'm loved.
and to make it even better, erin found my nalgene in jasper and is sending it back to me. not to mention that i found another red nalgene in the lost and found at whitewater. three nalgenes are better than none. schweet.
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