randnorm mind grenade
"it's better to see God in everything than to try to figure it out." - sri neem karoli baba
randnorm video
normdate 13.7.7
graham came to visit me this weekend. i love it when he visits. he is a breath of fresh air for me, he is family to me. he is my piece of ontario here in alberta. he loves coming to see me in calgary too. we get silly, dorky, laughy, and nerdy together. we'll break out in song randomly, start dancing in the middle of nowhere for no apparent reason, and just be our silly selves.
graham is just a good person to have around.
graham and i went to an erotic art show held at the artpoint gallery and studios here in calgary. i had no idea what to expect. erotic art? what's that, and how is it different from porn? we were about to find out.

erotic art shows include bellydancing...

...and goths

...and pleather

...and food

...and fire dancers
oh yah, and erotic art

you can really work up an appetite looking at erotic art, so as is tradition when graham comes to town, we went to tubby dog. the special was the buck mcoy II: a ukey (ukranian sausage) on a bed of maple baked beans topped with mustard, ketchup, hasbrowns, a sausage patty, a fried egg, bbq sauce and space cheese. yeah, its a whole lotta sausage, so graham and i split it.
kristin loathes tubby dog. ever since that one night where we hung out there for two hours, she has a severe hate on for tubby dog. i guess a hot dog joint with a dj and cartoons projected on the walls isn't her thang...but her boyfriend, hitoshi, was in town and wanted to soak up a little stampede action, so they met up with us at tubby dog. kristin actually ate a hot dog! then we cruised the red mile (17th ave) and hitoshi got to experience the largest concentration of cowboy hats in the world ;)
this is closest you will ever get to seeing kristin in a cowboy hat.
saying goodbye to kristin's friend at the yardhouse
randnormly running into my friend spark
a good erotic, tubby dog filled night of yeehaw!
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