the day i came out of the hospital after reconstructive surgery on my knee in september 1998, ron and arjun were holding a party called take it back to the old school. they brought a laz-y-boy chair to the party so i could be there. london massive krew! thanks to suzn for the pikcha.
this is an xray of my knee. yes, the plate, screws, and pins are still in there today.
randnorm mind grenade
what gets us into trouble is not what we don't's what we know for sure that just ain't so. - mark twain
randnorm video
the machine is us/ing us
normdate 25.5.7
clear skies, bright sun, and warm weather *sigh* perfekt conditions for the end of the week.
i got called in to work the evening shift at our kensington shop. it had been a while since i was actually on the floor of a shop dealing with customers face to face. its something that i miss working with the online shop. i deal with customer online and on the phone, but there is something about the raw one-on-one, eye-to-eye interactions being on the front line in a shop that i miss....and i fukkin love the krew at kensington. i was working with chris and steve, two really chill guys. it was goig to be a good night.
there was a source pocket bike in the front of the shop, so of course i had to take pix...

oh man, how i've always wanted to ride a pocket bike. if only it had gas, i would've taken it for a rip.
i got a call from my friend lara while i was at work. she was at the farmer's market and wanted to know if i had eaten dinner. 30 minutes later, she arrived at my work with a freshly cooked medium rare elk steak, asparagus, salad, rice and a fresh fruit bowl.
yeah, i know...HOLY SHIT! what an incredible dinner i had. thank you so much lara for not only thinking of me, but going out of your way to not only cook me dinner but bring it to me at work. blessings to you.
after eating a most delicious meal, a dude came into the shop with a skateboard and was wearing a pair of new balance shoes, definitely not skate shoes. i got him into a sweet pair of supra double e's. these shoes are crisp.
excited to try out his new kicks, he told me to throw away his new balance shoes cause they hurt his knees. his shoes were only two months old. lucky for me his feet were the same size as mine, and the shoes didn't even stink...that is until i got my nasty feet into them ;) hooray new kicks. hooray sort of new kicks. what? like you didn't know i was a hippie ;)
the rest of the evening was pretty slow at the shop, so i just hung out and watched sk8 vids. what a chill ass job. chris and steve hung out downstairs and enjoyed a good skate session. the basement storage area had been rearranged so that they could put a box in the middle to skate.
one of our team riders, jed, and his friend also showed up for a little sess.
seriously, there is no more chill of a job than working at a skate shop...expecially when you've got a fun box in the basement to shred.
when we closed the shop down, i kewled out and watched as chris, steve, and levi shred the box for an hour. after my knee injury skateboarding in '98 (see randnorm pikcha at the top of this blog entry), i prefer carving. no more tossin myself off jumps or rails. i'm more of a longboard kind of guy...with a helmet ;)
lara lives in the neighbourhood, so i skated over after work to return her plate and cutlery.
what an awesome friday. i have so much to be thankful for.
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