i spent today riding with rob at nakiska. rob is the guidance counsellor at alternative high school here in calgary. he was chaperoning a school trip to nakiska, so i took the day off work to shred with him.
some of rob's students

i still had the rome agent 156 with me. man i love this stick. it is so much fukkin fun to ride.
it was overcast in the morning, but i didn't mind. the mountain was definitely not as packed as it is on the weekend. often times, rob and i were the only ones on the run. schweet.
seeing this fresh, i just had to hike it.
aah, the kananaskis rockies *sigh*
by afternoon, the sun was shining and the layers started coming off. hooray spring riding!

time to bust out the mirror lenses.

i haven't used my mirrored lenses since the burn *sigh*
the sun quickly turned the perfekt corduroy goodness of nakiska in chunky slush that stuck like glue to your board. i guess that's the price we pay to enjoy warm riding conditions. i'm not complaining though. actually, i can't remember a day out where i complained about the conditions. there have been less than favourable conditions, but as long as i've got my board on my feet, snow on the ground, and a lift to take me to the top, i'm happy.
riding with rob without liam, mikhail, or toni was awesome. this was the first time rob actually did a run at top speed this season. its good when he doesn't have to put the dad hat on like we he does each week at c.o.p.
a good day at nakiska riding in the sun, and a quick 1 hour drive home to calgary. having the rockies so close is a blessing...and they are even more beautiful up close.
we have the best playground right here. canada kicks ass!
more pix here in my pikcha archive.
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