pain yoga
tuesday/friday 2:00pm-3:00pm
we associate yoga with happiness, peace, and pleasure. this systematically ignores and represses sadness, pain, fear, and anxiety integral to our experience as humans. we dedicate ourselves to experiencing and celebrating the entire spectrum of life - even if it hurts. hosted by: twilight of the gods @ 9:00 and amnesia
photo by eric slomanson
randnorm mind grenade
life is long, be ready - unknown
randnorm pikcha

normdate 7.12.6
i spent monday afternoon with my friend jess.




i ended up at the library, the upstairs of the imperial pub, for my boy graeme's bday. happy birthday brother!

cute norm!

yesterday i had dinner with darlene and christina at ho su bistro. i love that place, and they love me. its awesome going to a restaurant where they know your name. it makes it feel like home.

darelen had rented a motorcycle so she could do her license test the next day. just when you though she couldn't get any hotter, she does!

darlene is leaving for costa rica in two days. this would be the last time i see her. i love you dar dar. we will surf waves together, and i kan't wait!

christina and i headed over to the kool haus for the sounds of the underground concert. my brother's friends in flames were playing, so he hooked us up with passes for the show. i saw in flames last year in july at the docks. my brother was touring with them on the bus, and i got to hang out with them on the tour bus. i'm not the biggest fan of heavy metal, but i'll rock out to anything, epecially if the tickets are free!
its also my brother's bday today.

the band i was really excited to see at this show was gwar!
gwar isn't really known for their musical ability, but rather their fuckin nutz stage performance. from ripping an alien fetus out of a pregnant woman to ass fucking with swords, you are guaranteed to get fake blood splattered on you at a gwar show!
czech out gwar performing womb with a view live!
we got to the show at 8pm only to find out that gwar had played at 6:30pm. who the fuck plays at 6:30? well, i guess if the show started at 2pm it makes sense.
i was also asked to remove my spiked bracelet, spiked collar, and straps off my bondage skirt! wtf? no spikes at a heavy metal show? the organizers were concerned about liability, expecially if someone's eye gets poked out. lame.

trivium was just finishing their set when we got there. christina and i headed to the bar to get a drink, or few. we ran into my sister, her friend, and a photographer named carolina that i met last year at the in flames show.

some dude came up to christina and i and asked if we were bf/gf. we smiled. i guess we haven't given our relationship any kind of title, perhaps because the love we share for each other goes beyond anything either of us can classify. then the dude proceeded to say the most inane shit i've ever heard as a pick up line to christina. he said "no offence to you (me), but you (christina) looked like you wanted to be talking to someone else other than him (me)."
wtf? who says that kind of shit and expects to pick up a girl? christina laughed and said "no!" he then said to her "i think you're attractive. what do you think about that?" to which christina replied "what am i supposed to think of that?" and then left him to ponder her question. she came back to me and we laughed about it. hey, anyone who has full tilt inked on his knuckles isn't expected to act normal.

in flames came on and racked the freakin house! i'm not the biggest metal fan, but i'll rock out to any kind of music!

the last band to play was as i lay dying. i can't understand a fukkin word any of these guys are singing, but i have respect for them and what they do. singing "rrrwaaaaaaorr" for extended periods of time can really do a number on your vocal cords.
christina asked me if i have ever been crowd surfing before, which i hadn't. she said the last time she did was in high school. she said "norm, you're going to crowd surf", grabbed my hand and pulled me up to the front of the stage. she took my sarong and any thing that could fall out of my pockets, then proceeded to lift me up onto the waiting hands of the fans rockin out to as i lay dying.
HOLY SHIT crowd surfing is fun. feeling hands lift you up and move you kicked so much ass. i must admit i was scared that perhaps i'd fall and be crushed, but people made sure that didn't happen. it was so much fun, i had to do it again.
then i helped christina up onto the waiting hands of screaming youtz, and she surferd her way into the waiting arms of friendly secutiry at the front of the stage.
fuck that was fun! thank you christina for encouraging me to do something that scares me. have i mentioned that i fukkin loooove you?
after the show, we walked up to the bier market for some international libations.


what an awesome high! hanging with christina is already like a drug for me, then crowd surfing, then getttin shmammered with the woman i love. and holy shit did we get smashed! after the bier market we ended up at the cameron house and drank even more. i was a little bit annihilated by the time we got there, and so i tossed myself into a cab and came home. turns out i lost my cel phone in the cab :( not like i know which cab company it was either. christina has the same cel phone too. it was our wikkid text connektion...and now in my drunken stupor its gone. at least the night i lost it was fukkin epic. oh my head *aargh*

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