after an awesome afternoon of tossing a frisbee at gyro park, and an evening of hanging with jonas and frederic at their place, i was hiking up rosemont hill when a volvo passed me, stopped, then reversed.
a woman offered me a ride home, and i accepted. she said she had seen me earlier in the day near gyro park. i was balancing on the railway track walking towards the park. she said she had seen me and wanted to say hi to me, but couldn't find the right words and by the time she had, i was gone.
she wasn't going to let that happen again, which is why she pulled over. her name was gin. she drove me the 350 feet to my house. thanks for the lift gin.
sometimes i have that effect on people. i love randnormness like this.
i've also lost 9lbs since christmas. i walk up a mountain every day here. its good for the body.
life is simple: i want to be in love, drink good coffee, and ride my bike - drew grear

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