Voodoo Baptismus
Tuesday – Monday
Voodoo Baptismus is a large voodoo doll of George W. Bush. Join others as we stick it to him. This art will undergo a visual transformation all dependent on participation. This art is not intended to burn. Hosted by: Bobby Pires @ 9:00 Plaza
photo by steven fritz
randnorm mind grenade
i'll bet living in a nudist colony takes all the fun out of halloween. ~ unknown
randnorm pikcha
go here and make your own graffiti
randnorm video
free hugs!
normdate 31.10.6
its halloween in calgary, and its been a very memorable one for me.

in need of some quick cash, i decided to take advantage of the booming calgary market. although a career in design and art direction is what i'm looking for, that's not going to give me cash right away. there are tonnes of jobs available here if you're willing to work in retail or labour. hell, if there are signs outside of 7-11 offering benefit plans, you know this city is boomin.
i reworked my resume for retail and went to the northland mall to drop em off at any place that was hiring. there are more people hiring than not hiring, especially with the christmas season upon us.

my friend adam said this about looking for a job in calgary. "go outside, grab a rock, throw it in any direction, take the first job it hits."
within 2.5 hours of dropping off resumes at the mall, i got an interview at a store that wants me to start on friday, and a job at a furniture store. i start tomorrow! they are literally givin jobs away. proof that you can go out in a day and get a job immediately if you want it. hell, it pays more than teaching snowboarding does. i'll find out tomorrow if i like it. even if i don't like, there was a voice mail wating for me at home for an interview with the source (circuit city).
there's also freelance design work, which pays me more, but i'm waiting for a project to come through. in the meantime, i've got something to keep me busy in the day time.
kristin and i went over to her dad's place tonight for dinner. then we got dressed up and went trick or treating with her younger brothers and sister. i brought my dredi robe and the lightning wire pirate eye patch as my costume. its funny how i just have to grab something out of my usual wardrobe and can use it as a halloween costume.

it reminded me of the guy at superstore in june who looked at my outfit and said "i didn't know it was halloween" to which i replied "its not a costume."
a dressed up family

a bunny and a bat

a one eye dredi and a devil...can you tell the devil outfit was made for a slutty girl?

i can't remember the last time i went out trick or treatin with kids. my last few halloweens have involved gettin dressed up with big kids and drinkin. tonight reminded me of my childhood...though i don't remember halloween ever being this fukkin cold with snow on the ground.

what a fukkin genius concept halloween is: decorate your place, get dressed up, go get free candy. simple brilliance!

beware of spookiness!

carved pumpkins seemed to hold up well against the -8 degree temperatures. holy fuck this town is cold!

i love it when parents get dressed up too.

scary decorations

i even got to trick or treat...yup, this 31yr old one eye dredi scored a bag full of loot this year *mwahahahaha* people didn't seem to mind giving me candy, and i had no problems takin it.

after about an hour outside in the freezing cold, we were halloween popsicles and decided to call it a night. we trekked home to count our booty!

ha! maryliyn manson is on jay leno signing "this is halloween" from the nightmare before christmas. very appropriate.
liam and mikhail really don't care about candy, they just liked gettin dressed up and going out. we organized our loot and i ate whatever i wanted. i felt like a kid again. hmmm...i always feel like a kid ;)

kristin's family were giving away full sized chocolate bars! i loved houses like theirs...none of this snack size one bite bullshit, but the real deal!

as we organized out loot, we had a pile of candy we didn't really like, including single sticks of gum. who the fuck gives out a single stick of wrigley's spearmint gum at halloween? what a rip! that wasn't even as bad as the four gummy lifesavers that were wrapped in saran wrap and held together with scotch tape. home wrapped bulk candy, who does that? we ate it anyways. who does that;)
the best part was that we gave out the reject candy that we didn't want to the few kids who ended up coming to the house trick or treating. the expression on their face was awesome when they saw the handfulls of candy we gave them. their smiles were almost as big as our smiles as we were stoked to get rid of the candy we didn't like (like lollipops and smarties). kids don't care if its reject candy, they're just stoked to be gettin free candy!
i've got a nice bag full of candy to keep me going for a while now. what an awesome halloween. i got to go trick or treating (in the fukkin freezing cold), and i got hired on the spot today and start a new job tomorrow at 10am. this city is full of surprises. i better get some rest. i'll fill in the blog blank this weekend...just wanted to capture today in keystrokes for ya. its been a while since i was on top of my blog, eh?
thanks for followin. go here and say hi.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY JAQUI! happy halloween!
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