tutu's at two on thursday
everyone looks good in a tutu! come by and have a tutu-tini while you don your favourite tutu. we have 100 on hand if you forget yours. hosetd by: fairyland in avalon synapse station at 7:30 and catharsis
photo by jim gasperini
randnorm mind grenade
in the beginning the universe was created. this has made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move. - douglas adams
randnorm pikcha
photo by mike swanson
randnorm video
borat sings anti-semetic song and gets audience to sing along *bwahahahaha*
normdate 17.8.6
elsbeth and i woke up this morning in the empty home of the mou kollektiv. they never returned from the hot springs last night. there were supposedly almost 30 people staying at the home the night before we arrived, and we missed them by 30 minutes :(
elsbeth and riviere went for a quick drive to meet a friend. i spent the morning basking in the beautiful sunshine. this place brings back so many memories, so many good times, and triggers such a majik energy.
riviere had a beautiful hoodie, made by a sacred garmet designer named copper chris on the sunshine coast. just putting it on triggers majik. its amazing what a piece of clothing can do to you when you put it on.

i grabbed one of wanaqui's staffs and hung out by the only shrine set up at the home. i miss my staff *sigh*

i was disappointed that i missed hanging out with the mou kollektiv. i really dig these katz.
elsbeth and i said our goodbyes to riviere and headed toward the ferry. as we waited, i ran into one of the girls i volunteered with at the nelson food drive in may.

have i metnioned how ridonculously beautiful this ferry ride is? especially in the summer.
driving across the big orange bridge to nelson (bob)

elsbeth had received a phone call from sajay, the groovy guy she met at shambhala who worked at the indan food booth. he lived in fruitvale just outside of trail. it was a bit out of our way, but we decided that sajay was worth it. driving through the kutenais is always beautiful, especially on a day like today.

sajay was staying with some friends in the beautiful valleys of fruitvale.

elsbeth was happy to see him.

man this place is beautiful. mountains and trees. what could be better? hmm...mountains, trees, and powder!!!

we had a long journey ahead of us, so we headed out of fruitvale towards canmore in alberta. we decided to stop and take a pikcha of ourselves at every town sign that said "welcome".

the kootenay pass

randnorm sign

home of kokanee beer

so of course we had to stop and have a pint of kokanee in creston...and a hamburger.

hooray a scrapbooking oasis in cranbrook!

rainbow in kimberly

okay, whatever you say street sign

mountain sunset at kootenay national park

we arrived at the home of our friends dave and sam in canmore. holy crap the place they live in is gorgeous: a beautiful chalet style home in the rockies.
tired and exhausted from a long day of travel, elsbeth and i smoked a joint with dave and sam and then passed out.
what an awesome journey through the mountains with you elsbeth! you fukkin rawk!
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